8: Mother

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"Bear!" Kathie squealed as soon as she entered in my penthouse. My chow-chow dog, Bear, barked, and ran towards the giggling four years old. He does love her – he is the happiest when he is around her.

Marcus laughed and closed the door behind him, "Bear loves Kathie." He said as he gazed at his daughter scratching Bear's back. I chuckled and nodded – he is right. Whenever I am busy or if I have to be somewhere – I usually drop Bear off to Marcus's place. Honestly, I think he enjoys Marcus, Charlie, and Kathie's company than mine.

"He sure does." I agreed and walked towards Kathie, I took her in my arms and threw her slightly in the air – causing her to squeal and laugh while Bear didn't like that and started to scratch my shoes. "She is my niece. I can do whatever I want." I told barking Bear and poked my tongue a little out to tease him. He didn't like what I said so he started to jump causing all of us to laugh. I put Kathie back on the ground and Bear quiet down and rubbed his face on the neck.

Kathie giggled and patted his head, "Silly Bear." She said to him and started to randomly talk to him while petting him. I twirled around to see Marcus looking at his daughter with a big grin on his face. It is good to see him happy more often. While Kathie was busy playing with Bear, Marcus and I went to sit in the lounge area. It has been ages since we brothers sat and talk peacefully, so I decided to invite him to dinner.

"Did Eliza call?" Marcus asked as he sipped from his drink.

Elizabeth went back to London after staying for a couple of weeks. She will be back next month – I know she doesn't like to stay away from us, but she does that because she doesn't want dad to feel alone in London while he is staying with mom. "Yes, she did," I answered. "She will be coming back next month," I told him.

He nodded, "That's nice." He smiled and glanced towards his daughter – who was busy running after Bear.

I chuckled as I saw her waving at us while she ran after Bear and twirled to gaze at Marcus, "How does it feel living alone again?" I asked him.

He groaned lowly, "It has been just two weeks since she moved out, but honestly it feels like two months. I don't know what got in her mind and she decided to move out till the wedding. I don't know how I am going to spend these months without her living with me. I am so used to her being around me." Marcus answered. "And to make it even worse, Kathie stays most of the time at Charlie's place." He added.

I can't describe how happy I feel to see Marcus fall deeply in love with Charlie. After Susan, I never thought he would be able to love anyone else, but Charlie proved us wrong. She broke the barriers around his heart and once again stole it. I chuckled, "It is not like you two can't meet each other till the wedding. She is just staying at another apartment. It shouldn't be that bad." I said to him.

He narrowed his eyes, "You have no idea how painful it is to live without her." he replied.

I didn't say anything further – he was in love, of course, it is hard for him to stay away from Charlie. Felicity sparks in his eyes whenever he talks about her. I can even tell when he is thinking about her – his eyes speak for him. It reminded me of the time when Maria had to go live with her father for a week when we were still married – I remember how much I missed her. Marcus has to stay away from Charlie for almost six months – of course, it is hard for him. I know because I couldn't even stay away from Maria for a week.

"Come back," I asked Maria over the phone.

I heard her laugh, "Silas, I just reached." She said. "I wish I could come back, but Papa needs me. I will be back in a week, I promise." She said.

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