27: What He Didn't Know

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I was over the moon when Maria finally decided to give me a second chance – boy, did she take her time. But, I don't blame her – what I did to her was brutal and I deserved everything I got. When I came to know that my mother lied – again and then flew away – I was confused. I felt betrayed. She tried to play us again, but why would she do this? Why would she lie about her health? When Elizabeth told me that mother has reached London I was relieved – she needs some intense mental health care. Just when I thought I will be able to spend time with Maria again – I had to go to Japan. God knows how those two weeks passed. There wasn't a single time when I wasn't thinking about her. I was so stuck in work, that I could even ring her once. I felt bad for not talking to her for two weeks after she gave another chance. So, I asked Charlie to make Maria come to this café – where I could surprise her and then take her out somewhere.

The minute I walked in and saw her with her back facing me – I felt something. I felt giggly like a child. I was nervous yet so excited to see her again. The surprised look on her face was priceless – she looked with such bewilderedness – I just wanted to leap and kiss her. I still smile like a goof whenever I think about the kiss we shared at Charlie's apartment that day. She kissed me back and I couldn't be happier.

When Charlie walked out of the café – leaving me alone with Maria, I was so excited to spend some time alone with her after such a long time, but here I was looking at her hugging a man I wanted to kill. "It is good to see you too, David." Maria hugged him back. I narrowed my eyes and clenched my fist – who was this man? I didn't like the fact that he hugged her and I didn't like the fact that he was still holding her hands in his. I glanced at their hands and cleared my throat.

They both turned their head towards me. That man finally let go of her hands and stretched his right hand out for a handshake, "Oh hello, I am David." He greeted with a smile on his face. I raised my eyebrow and looked at his stretched out hand. I glanced at Maria to see her looking at me as well. I sighed and shook hands with him, "I am Silas Harrison." I introduced myself when I just wanted him to leave. He grinned, "Yes, of course – I know. It is nice to meet you." He replied.

"How is everyone in Chicago?" Maria asked David while she put her hand on his shoulder. I sighed and tried to ignore the fact that it was bothering me.

"Everyone is great. They surely miss you." David answered. Maria nodded, "I miss them too." She replied. "I was talking to Rene last week, but she didn't tell me that you were in New York as well," Maria added.

He nodded, "Well, actually I was scheduled to move here next week, but since I had to start early – I had to come this week." He replied. "It is all too foreign, to be honest." He chuckled nervously. "Don't worry, it will get better. I felt the same way when I first moved to Chicago." Maria told her. "Why don't you ring me whenever you need a friend or need any kind of assistance?" Maria suggested to him and I didn't like the idea.

There was some sort of hesitant in Maria's tone, but I couldn't figure the reason why. David nodded, "That would be great. Thanks, Maria." He replied. He seemed a little timid. I stood by them while they talked with each other – it seemed like that with passing second they were getting more and more comfortable with each other and it was bothering me too much to hold back any more, so I cleared my throat causing both of them to look at me, "Uh, I am sorry – there was just some uneasiness in my throat." I lied.

"Oh," David said. "I was just leaving anyway. I have to get back to work." He added. I nodded. "All right, it was nice meeting you, buddy," I said to him. Maria gave me a look. She knew I was trying to get rid of David and I believe he knew it as well. So, with wasting further time he said farewell to both of us before he walked out of the café.

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