Chapter Four

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"He falls asleep if you put on any Disney movie," you explained, you and Bakugo standing in front of Mitsuki's home. "He loves the singing and it doesn't matter if you're a good singer or not because Yuki fell asleep to Bakugo's singing."

"[Name]!" Bakugo yelled, scowling at you with his cheeks pink. "What the fuck!"

"Other than that, Yuki shouldn't be difficult at all," you informed, smiling at your mother-in-law. "He's an absolute angel, but it might take a while for him to warm up to the new environment."

You looked down at Nobuyuki, seeing your son asleep in the car seat and Bakugo is holding the car seat. You hand the diaper bag off to Masaru and he gives you a huge smile while Bakugo hands the car seat to his mother. You're glad that they accepted to watch your son while the way of you decided to go on vacation.

When Nobuyuki gets older, the three of you will go on a vacation together and make good memories together. Unfortunately, Nobuyuki isn't old enough to remember going to the hot springs and you wanted to spend alone time with Bakugo. It's been a while since you two had a weekend and one week day together.

"Are you ready, Katsuki?" You questioned, looking to your husband.

Bakugo nodded his head, his eyes glued onto Nobuyuki. "Yeah. Thanks for watching our son."

"Anytime, Katsuki! Just give me more grandchildren!" Mitsuki exclaimed, smiling at you and Bakugo.

You chuckled, returning her smile while Bakugo glared at his mother, his arm wrapping around your shoulder. "Not any time soon, old hag."

"That wasn't a no though!" Mitsuki laughed, standing next to her husband. "Go have fun, guys. Nobuyuki is safe with us so don't worry!"

"C'mon Katsuki," you said, looking at him. "I want to get there early."

Bakugo looks back at his son and he just gazes at his son with a blank look, his mind probably thinking of the what could possibly happen since you nor him won't be near your son if something happens. Bakugo worries too much.

You smiled to yourself, placing a hand on his arm and he cocks his head to you, a gesture that you've leaned he does when he's listening, but his mind is somewhere else. "Everything will be okay, Katsuki. We can go a few days together without Yuki with us."

"It just... feels fuckin weird is all," Bakugo stated, his full attention on you. "He's always been around us and this is the first time we won't be near him."

"I know," you said.

Bakugo let out a sigh and he turns his back to the house he grew up in. You chuckled, waving goodbye to your in-laws and you followed Bakugo to the car. You entered the passenger side while he's in the driver side and he gets the car running.

"Are you excited?" You questioned, Bakugo putting the car into drive. "You're finally taking a vacation after all these years!"

"Yeah, don't get used to it."


"This place is amazing, Katsuki!" You exclaimed, lying on the futon. "This place is extremely expansive too!"

"[Name], I'm am the Number One Hero," Bakugo stated, his arms crossed on his chest. "Of course I'm able to fucking afford this place. I wanted to spend a fuck ton for our vacation so we can remember it and look forward too our next vacation."

"Can we go to the moon?" You asked, smiling widely at him and you bat your eyelashes at him.


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