Chapter Seven

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You had lost how many hours its been since this battle has begun, but all you do know is that you cannot give up. Your husband is out there fighting against All For One with the help of Midoriya and Todoroki. You had received a heavy blow from All For One when you had jumped in front of Bakugo to protect him and Bakugo demanded that you just make sure the city isn't destroyed. You used your Quirk to either crease the damage impact or have the debris floating above.

Your body ached and you were exhausted physically, but your eyes never did leave Bakugo's body once. The attack from All For One was surprising, just appearing out of nowhere and demanding for the user that has One For All. You had been informed that Midoriya has the Quirk years ago, but the three top heroes decided to take on All For One. You even decided to help too because you're worried about your friends and husband.

You weren't able to witness the strength of All For One when Bakugo was saved by the heroes, but just seeing it in person realized how strong and dangerous this man is. The Top 3 Heroes are even struggling against this villain. All Might had struggled against this villain and you had demanded that Bakugo be save, but he wouldn't listen to you. You called more heroes to come in and help, but they barely lasted. All For One wiped them out.

You feared that Bakugo, Todoroki, or even Midoriya won't be able to last long. You feared that they're going to collapse after fighting All For One and finding their bodies on the floor, all of them breathing heavily. You could imagine seeing them on the floor and breathing the last breath. That scares you. You wouldn't like to see Bakugo's dead body on the floor. It's not something you'd like to see nor tell Nobuyuki either.

All For One delivered a punch that Midoriya had easily dodged, but the pressure of the punch is what you had to grab. You trapped the pressure of the punch in a barrier, your hands shaking as you couldn't fully keep it in control. Your focus broke and the barrier shattered, the pressure knocking you off your feet and the barriers you held the debris broke. Your body hurt, being scratched from the debris below your feet.

"[Name]!" Bakugo choked.

His eyes widen, landing on your bleeding and weak body as you tried to push your body up with shaky arms. His heart started to beat in his chest, dodging All For One when the villain appeared in front of him and he used an explosion to put distance between him and the villain. Bakugo and Midoriya looked up towards the sky when a shadow appeared over them and their eyes widen.

"Watch out!" Todoroki yelled.

He hardly moved a muscle, using his ice to skyrocket up and form a landing area for the debris to fall onto. The ice ceiling shattered from the weight of the debris and Todoroki's eyes widen. All For One distracted him and prevented Todoroki from using another ice dome by going towards him next.

You pushed yourself to stand, your hands raised high as you formed a barrier beneath the debris and ice, holding it. You looked to Bakugo and Midoriya, flashing them a reassuring smirk. You could tell that Midoriya let out a sigh of relief and he goes to help Todoroki, but Bakugo just stands there and gazing at you in concern.

"Go," you said, urging him on with the flick of your head. You let out a groan, dropping to one knee as your arms started to shake violently. "Go, Katsuki! We need you!"

Bakugo gazed at you, nodding his head before he jumps to engage once more for the battle with All For One. You let out a weak chuckle, your eyes shutting close and your arms started to ache. You weren't sure where you should put the debris, but you lowered your arms and clasped your hands together, your barriers crushing the debris and ice into a sphere.

You moved the sphere to the side and you continued to reduce the city's damage. You knew all the citizens were escorted away from the city and all the buildings should be cleared out, but that didn't stop you from picking up a small supermarket. You held the supermarket up, your eyes glaring at All For One as he fights the top 3 heroes by himself. You'll pay for everything when the battle is over.

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