Ravanger Scavenger

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Out into the open, a hazy day was being banished by a gleaming sun. The air smelt of peace and blossom - not the usual, chargrilled essence of spilt entrails and death. This place was a familiar site, too. Once before I had been here to dig inside the body of a freshly mutilated Ravager, to smear his blackened, eviscerated organs over my face and body - how the times change.

A lot had come to past since I last entered and vacated that risen mound in the earth. It had been transformed into a large, reinforced door. No need for my robot friends to try and hide anymore, they had strength again and seemed proud to show it. A three-foot-high fence, dotted with erected turrets and towering floodlights, gave path to a guarded perimeter. Robots unfleshed, patrolled on chain-linked wheels. While ones wearing half-flesh stood in concrete silence, aiming to put terror into the hearts of any intruder. In the midst of this fearful display, lay a lush ground of the greenest grass I'd ever seen; flower beds boasted beautiful displays, whilst several, smaller mechanical boxes watered and tended their peaceful gardens.

I heard a blackbird call out, and I almost forgot the state of the world... for just a moment.

Security stood by my side and took in a deep breath of air. ''It does make a change from what was once here, before. We can only hope that there might be a time when this constant death and destruction is all but forgotten.''

''Maybe?'' I wondered.

Two erratic dogs spun around my legs, nipping at one another. In synchronisation, they darted through a gap in the fence and each came to a halt, guarding themselves around two modified quad-bikes. Somehow, Security had already seated himself on the first quad-bike, and he reeved the engine up, ever so slightly.

''Ready to roll out, Matter?'' He pointed to the empty quad-bike behind. ''It's waiting for you.''

I sat on my own machine and it slowly hummed itself awake.

''This is a tad late to tell you, but I've no bloody idea where I'm going... actually, I've no clue where I am now?'' I usefully told my friend.

''Close your eyes and think where you want to be most.'' Security said, closing his own, and leant back as his ride drove off into the distance - with one of the doggies, swiftly racing after his bemused laughter.

''Did he really say that?'' I asked the dog.

''Woof Woof.'' The dog rotated its head at an angle, in a curious ponder of me. ''Do it.''

I wasn't quite sure where that voice came from. ''Was that you?'' I seemed to be asking the dog.

''Who knows?'' a male voice replied.

With all my questions thoroughly answered, I decided to close my eyes and think intently of that friendly lass, Hope. My head bolted backwards as the bike spun off after Security - I wasn't even touching the handlebars. It wasn't long before I'd caught up with Security. His furry companion was resting on the racking behind, with a jolly look in its face, gleefully taking me in.

''You caught up!'' either Security or the dog said in a feminine voice.

''Seems so? What's the plan?!'' I yelled out to them, over the rather silent hums of the engines.

''Tell me what you remember?'' the dog asked, definitely female this one.

''What I wish I didn't. What do you need to know?'' I shook my head, with this odd prospect of dog socialising.

''A clue. Some indication of where we might find her,'' she said, tilting her head at me.

My vision blurred, I divulged myself into a frazzled past: I smelt meat in the air.

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