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       I am getting ready to leave the territory I stayed with the last two nights in Washington heading towards Alaska before I make my way deeper into Canada, my search for a home and my mate has been long and it is looking like it is never going to end. Thankfully, the Luna here was able to get a map of all the packs in Canada, so I had something to work off if Alaska is another dead-end. Folding my blankets up I shoved them into the passenger side of the truck, I took one last deep breath looking around at the trees. I truly did enjoy Washington it is beautiful.

My phone buzzed as I pulled towards the main road. I flipped it open finding a text from Alex, smiling as I wrote him back.

- Hey Stranger, how are you? I hope you have found your forever home.

- Hi Alex. I am doing okay on my way to Alaska today.

- Aw man I am sorry you didn't have luck in the lower 48.

- It is all right, what about you? Have you found her yet?

- Um, something we did not get a chance to talk about.... I found my mate and He is amazing.

I paused and re-read his text realizing what he said. I am so excited for him! He has found his mate!

- Oh my god Alex! I am so happy for you!

- Thanks Louisa, you mean a lot to me and our connection helped me open myself to finding him, he has been here the whole time and we never knew!

- Well tell him hello for me, I will send you a text once I get to Alaska! Love you!

- Love you to Lou.

I smiled as I placed my phone down on the seat next to me, checking the map one more time before pulling out onto the road heading towards the interstate. I am ready to see snow; I have never seen snow, so this is going to be a lot of fun. Turning the radio up I started lip singing to every song that played, I enjoyed my drive as I pulled into the toll station you must use to come into Canada then again to get into Alaska. I pulled out my passport and required documentation while I waited in line. There had to be at least 30 cars in front of me. I turned the volume up and continued my silent one-woman concert. Finally, after another hour I am driving through to the gate, I smiled as I handed the woman my papers. She looked at everything spotting my note informing her I could not speak. She smiled stamped my passport and waved me through as she handed my papers back. I placed them in the seat next to me and I made my way through the gate into great ole' Canada. It is beautiful. While I am driving, I spotted a little shop and decided to pull in. I got out locking the truck before stepping into the warm cozy store, I spotted an older lady stocking shelves and an older gentleman at the counter. Grabbing myself some snacks I have never heard of and a little keychain I placed everything on the counter, that is when I spotted a little Primrose incased in resin hanging on a thin white gold chain. I grabbed it placing it on the counter next to everything else, than I grabbed my standard I cannot talk note sliding it towards him, he read it than looked at me with a big smile nodding that he understood.

"Your total is $34.67 miss." he said in a soft warm voice.

I smiled placing $40.00 on the counter grabbing my bags and heading towards the door.

"Miss your change!" he said after me.

I turned giving him a big smile and shaking my hand no, telling him to keep it.

He gave me an ear to ear grin thanking me as I walked out to my truck, I got in and opened a bag of chips they were Ketchup flavored and to be honest I was not expecting them to be as tasty as they are. As I snacked, I grabbed a piece of paper from my journal writing down a note for my mate if I ever find him.

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