Pancakes and Blood's....

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Here it is the brothers watch in anger as they saw there eldest brother getting punished by there dad again,he broke a picture frame while washing the dishes,Azazel looks at his father emotionlessly

Azazel - 20 Gedeon - 18 Nostor - 16 Alastor -14
Isaac - 12 Casimir - 10 Dallas - 8 Tristan - 6

On the right hand they wanted to help him but in the other hand they would get in trouble too

As the hitting stop,Azazel stood up from the ground and approach his brother's,Tris wan fist to jump on him

"Careful Tris you don't want to hurt him more" Casimir reminded

"It's alright Cas,I'm fine..."Azazel said as he look at him with lifeless eyes but with a little bit of affection,Cas only nodded in reply

"I'm going to make breakfast,then you all can go to bed..." Azazel added,the brothers all nodded while Tris still clinging to his eldest brother

Azazel walk passed through his brother's and into the kitchen with Gedeon taking Tris off of Azazel who took a box of pancakes mixture

As the brothers went out to mind there own business,some of them are actually off to plan something mischievous

While Azazel make the perfect circle for the pancake Casimir approach him with an old stuff toy on his arms

"Azzy,let me help you pls"Casimir pleas

"No it's ok,I don't want your hands to burn..."Azazel said hoping to work

"But at least let me do the other jobs"Casimir once again pleas,Azazel sigh in defeat as he look at his little brother who was smiling

" can go get some Strawberries, blueberries,Raspberries and blackberries... In the garden..."

Casimir cheers as he grab a basket and his stuff toy in the basket

Meanwhile with the others Alastor watch as his father falls asleep in his couch,behind Alastor was Gedeon,Isaac and Dallas who has dark aura's around them

"Let's do it"
"Tch,I'm going to teach him some lessons"
"I can't wait to see him cry"
"Can't wait any longer now"

The four of them put out there knives in there pockets

They quietly sneak behind the couch, Gedeon had put his hands on his mouth while the others ready to stab him to death

Meanwhile back to Azazel ,Casimir has returned with the basket filled with fruits his elder brother ask

"Here you go Azzy"Casimir said as he lay down the basket in the table covered in pancakes his elder brother made

"Wow!,that looks delicious!" Casimir look at his sight in 'awe'

"Thanks,how about you help me design it..." Azazel once again ask

Casimir agreed as they grab a Frosting, Syrup,butter and the fruits Casimir brought

A few moments later... Gedeon,Alastor,Isaac and Dallas has returned,the four of them smelled awful

"Why are you guys wet?..." Azazel ask
"And yet you all still smell ridiculous" Casimir added

"Well you see!,two idiots! Jump on a river that is flowing badly and filled with garbage! So me and Al has to rescue them!"Gedeon explained or more like yelled

Dallas only glares at him with Casimir giggling,Azazel only sigh

"You guys are not going to eat with that smell of yours..." Azazel demanded

"But I'm hungry!" Dallas complains with a whine

"Not my problem..." Azazel said

"Fiiiiiiiine" Dallas said in defeat

"ME FIRST!" Isaac beat his brothers as he ran to the shower leaving the three of them going after him

Azazel and Casimir watch as they race for the shower,Nostor and Tristan had finally went down stairs with the aroma

'im just glad I have you all'

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