(Nostor)Sweet Dreams....

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He tolls to the right...

He rolls to the left...

He was still awake no matter what he did,even if his really tired he just couldn't fall asleep,something just seems missing

Was he paranoid?,well mostly sometimes

As the wind blows making his near by window open itself,he was shock at first,but again it's probably just the wind

But as he hear footsteps,he didn't dare look at the intruder as it approach Nostors sleeping position or was he?

His hair,dress suit and his wings dances in the wind as his hands reach in Nostors soft messy hair

'Are you asleep?...'

His voice hit Nostor really hard,he remember that voice 'Azazel' ,his eyes couldn't open itself and constantly pretending to be asleep

Even if he want to see his brother so badly,he just couldn't do it,as if his body is stopping him

The winged figure knew he was awake so he leave him be

'Good night Nostor...Sweet dreams...'

As soon as Nostor heard his own name,his eyes shut open and finally sat up only to see no one was there,he just met the silent,the winged figure must have probably left

He was truly disappointed,confused,sad and happy,does he really just heard his brother?,his mind is not playing with him right?

The window was indeed open and the wind passed through it,he decided to leave it open,plus the lock is broken anyways,what's the point?,he was expecting he might come back again

He then continue sleeping comfortably,he have never felt comfortable when sleeping like this before,was it because the winged figure has some kind of magic touch?

But he swear he saw him,one feather was in the ground tho...

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