Chapter Twenty-Six

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Caleb Pierson's POV:

Well, I think one word perfectly describes that situation: ouch. However, I have no time to waste. Clearly the Percy and Annabeth situation is way worse than I thought. It's a good thing I have my secret weapon to help me out...

"Isn't that a bit cliche? It sounds like something the villain in a rom-com would do," Jordan commented, leaning back in her chair.

"Hey, we aren't the villains here," I retorted, "we're the good guys."

"Still, using me to try to convince Annabeth that Percy is cheating on her? Sounds pretty crazy to me. There's no way that'll actually work, no matter how amazing of an actress I am." She laughed, fluffing her hair in a joking manner.

"I'm willing to do whatever I have to, as long as it gets Percy out of the picture." I'm clearly taking this situation more seriously than she is.

"Wow, you're really still in love with Annabeth, huh?" Jordan asked. She had a look on her face that was hard to read.

I nodded. "Yeah, I am..." I trailed off in an almost lovesick voice. Who could blame me? Jordan scoffed quietly, rolling her eyes before looking down at her lap. What could that have been about? I know she and Annabeth don't get along perfectly, but Jordan could at least pretend to be happy for me. I frowned at her, raising an eyebrow. "Everything okay?"

Jordan looked up from her lap, giving me an innocent head tilt.  "Everything's fine, why wouldn't it be?"

I squinted, studying her. "I don't know, you just seem off. I thought you rolled your eyes at me."

Jordan tensed a bit, waving her hands in dismissal. "What? No way! I'm just...thinking about the plan, that's all. Run it by me again?"

I stared at her a bit longer, but she clearly didn't want to me to know what she was thinking. If she was upset, it was hard to tell. "Well, it should be simple. Percy..." I cringed," ...lives...with Annabeth, so you just need to go to her house and get Percy to kiss you or something. He doesn't exactly look like the kind of guy who's loyal, so it shouldn't be that hard."

"What, so you're just going to send me off to talk to him alone? Didn't you say he was dangerous?"

I nodded at her reassuringly. "You can handle yourself. Besides, his issue is with me, because I'm such a big threat to his relationship. He doesn't have anything against you."

"What, aren't you worried about me," adding air-quotes, "'getting recruited to a cult?'" She chuckled.

The tips of my ears warmed up, and I looked away from her. "Oh, shut up, that theory hasn't been disproven!"

She finished laughing, giving me a reassuring smile. "You know I'm just messing with you. I'm still gonna help you with your plan, even if I think it's really, really stupid.

I pumped my fist in the air, leaning forward in my chair. "Awesome! This should be super easy, them living together should mean you'll get caught with no problem at all. Just get him to kiss you right in front of Annabeth, and then leave her to break his heart. Simple, right?"

Jordan smiled, finishing her application of lipgloss. "Piece of cake, I'll report back whenever I get the job done."

I leaned forward, giving her an awkward high-five, which she returned, before getting up and walking off. I watched her go, thinking over the plan in my head. Seriously, what could go wrong?

Although I am curious...why did Jordan act the way she did about this? She seemed upset with it anytime I mentioned liking Annabeth, but as soon as I brought Percy back up she was fine with it again. Weird...


i don't even KNOW how to apologize for how long i've been gone. all jokes aside from the meme at the beginning, i'm sorry for abandoning you all for a while, i'm just going through a lot. i'm okay tho, don't worry about me haha

anyway, thank you all for staying so loyal to this story. i've got a ton of followers, several of you have mentioned reading this story like TEN TIMES, which is INSANE, AND this story has hit 272K READS!! WHAT??!!

in conclusion, i love you all.

10/31/20 (happy halloween !!)

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