Chapter 4

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Ok guys, i am so sorry for not posting in a while, but my school just reopened and ive been super stressed. I am trying to do hw and chores and write the story, so updates will be slow, but i have NOT FORGOTTEN about this.

I love you all and thank you so much for your support!

The group was outside now, and everyone except America squinted at the harsh daylight. ((he always wears sunglasses, remember?)) As they walked, Ukraine had a wonderful idea. "Hey, guys! How about we play a game of truth or dare?" "Yeah!" shouted Aussie, Canada, and Bela in response. America just said " I suppose so. Now hows about we let ol' Russia here take the first turn then?" Aussie smirked at Canada and then said "Alrighty then mate, what'll it be? Truth, or Dare?" Ruski looks at him confidently, "Russia always dare. Truth is weak, like small child." "Aussie looks at Canada for a second, "Oy, whatcha say there maple?" Canada winks in response, and they both grin like fools as he says "Russia, your dare is ta hold Merica's hand for the rest of the walk. If yer, not a chicken then you'll do it, eh? " Russia instantly pales as the smug expression he was wearing falls from his face. "What? нет, нет, нет, this dare is not good. недействительным! конфликт интересов!"
((invalid! conflict of interest!))
"Now wait just a hot minute, I don't even understand Russa' over here but I got the idea he's cussin' ya both out communist-style. Too bad I can't speak Russian* or I'd be joinin' 'im! What the heck are yall thinkin' ?!"

[(*a lie)]

By now the others were voicing their displeasure, with taunts of chicken, and buzzkill. Finally, Russia rolls his eyes and gently takes America's hand; causing them both to blush like crazy.

"See Amerika, it is not so terrible, da?" Russ calmly whispers to America. He squeezed Russia's hand in response, "Yeah, it ain't too bad. At least not as awful as I thought it'd be, Ruski."

(meanwhile, if japan knew she'd be having a fangirl induced heart-attack lmao)

The rest of the walk was primarily uneventful. Other than the two previous-strangers-now-friends-ish holding hands, yeah everything was really normal.



(oops. I was holding the shift the hol time lmao)

anyway, onto the story.

America, Canada, and Australia's street was the first one the group reached, so the other Slavic nations didn't object when Russia suggested they walk them all the way to their place. When they reached Great Britain's house, America realized just how much he didn't hate holding Russia's hand, and also how disappointed he was to have to let go of him.
"Ummmm... Amerika?" Russia tapped Ame's shoulder to get his attention, "Whassup Russ?" "This is your house, da?" "Oh, heck-Yeah 'tis ... dare's over then I guess." "So it is." Says Russia, taking his hand back "See you tomorrow Mika." Russia turned to walk down the sidewalk, and Ame turned to walk into the house when he had a brilliant idea.
"Russia- wait up a sec!" Merica threw his backpack inside the open door then yeeted down the stairs and onto the sidewalk. Russia, who had stopped when he heard his name called, turned in time to see America yeeting himself down the stairs, and sprinting towards him. "Amerika. Is something wrong?" Ame paused, bent over trying to catch his breath in front of Russia. ((give him a break yall! yeeting oneself downstairs is really tough and also he like mega-yeeted down the sidewalk to catch Ruski boi❤️)) After a few secs of heavy breathing, he stood up to his full height, crossed his arms, and nonchalantly asked Russia,

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