Chapter 35

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Narrator's pov


"Ma'am we're here- OH" Rick the driver gasped when he opened the backseat of the Cadillac

Kate's reflexes kicked in and her hands released Autumn's as she pushed her chest away from the girl, yet still sitting on her waist

"Oh for fuck sakes Rick!" Autumn groaned

"So-Sorry, I didn't mean t-" The driver was cut off by Autumn slamming the door shut again, leaving the two girls in the seat

Their hearts still pounding in their chests, Autumn's hands rested on the girl's thighs as their eyes connected once again

"Woah" Autumn's muttered under her breath, causing the girl to chuckled

"You're late for your interview" Kate smiled

"Now, I wonder who's fault that is" Autumn smirked

"Hmm, probably yours since you're the one still in here" She chuckled

"True, but there's no way I'm leaving now" Autumn smirked

Her hands connected with the girl's waist and with one swift move, she shoved her body to lay flat in the backseat as she hovered over the girl

Kate squealed as Autumn's hands pinned hers above her head. Kate's legs then wrapped around the girl's waist as their chests pressed against each other again

"What are you doing, you're gonna be late" Kate giggled

"So?" She smirked

"Oh my god" Kate laughed, trying to squirm her way out from under the actress

"You left a mark on my neck" Autumn groaned

"Really? I had no idea" Kate snickered causing Autumn to raise her brow

The raven hair girl then leaned down, her soft lips brushing against Kate's ear and filling them with a blow of her hot breath. Kate's body arched above the seat

Her tongue flicked above the sensitive skin below Kate's ear, allowing her breathing to become heavy once again

Autumn's teeth gently scraped against the skin, nipping but not hard enough to leave a bruise

"I can't mark you here" Autumn whispered, sliding her hips against the girl's

"But I can mark you somewhere else" Autumn whispered again

Her lips disconnected from Kate's neck as they slowly trailed down to her collar bone, leaving the brunette squirming under her touch

Autumn's hands slipped under the girl's shirt, slowly tugging the hem upwards to reveal her her flat and toned stomach. Kate bit her lip, her body felt on fire from Autumn's eyes scanning her body, but she's seen her half naked before. Yet she still felt a heat to her cheek, this was different. Her eyes spoke words, she wanted Kate and that's what made it different

Autumn's lips pressed soft kisses to the girl's stomach, slowly traveling down dangerously close to her core

"Mhmm" Kate hummed, her hands pushing at the door as her body rose and fell heavily

Autumn's back arched as she brought her fingers to the waistband of Kate's jeans, slowly tugging it down

"Autumn" Kate whispered breathlessly, too in a daze to even function right

"Shhh" She said as she barely brought guy the girl's jeans down to reveal her hip bone

Autumn's lips pressed tenderly against the girl's skin, a soft kiss touched Kate's body. Her eyes glanced down to see the actress between her thighs

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