Chapter 95

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Narrator's pov


Hello there, did Autumn scare you in our last chapter? Aww :( you poor thing

The raven hair girl glanced over to her girlfriend, nothing but her brows stitched together and dark eyes she held

Yet Kate smiled, for she knew Autumn better than all of us and knew exactly what those eyes meant

"Before you even ask it, the answer to your question is yes" Kate chuckled

"But why!?" Autumn asked

"Because. You're special, whether you like it or not, you meant the world to me and everyone around you. And I know you weren't expecting any of this but God knows you deserve it" Kate smiled

And for anyone still confused, Autumn surely wasn't upset nor was she angry. The raven hair girl was simply stunned to the point where she couldn't understand one thing

And that one thing being that someone in this world would go to such lengths to make her happy

Her dark blue eyes looked as if an ocean had been encased inside of small glass marbles

"You have no idea how much you mean to me" Kate whispered

Then the smooth spheres of the blue eyed girl appeared to be cracked, the ocean had started to leak, little water droplets streamed down Autumn's rosy cheeks

"Awww baby don't cry" Kate chuckled, taking a step forward to cup the girl's cheek

Her thumbs ran over those rose cheeks that were stained from blushing and the salty flow that ran over them

"Baby, look at me" Kate whispered, tilting the girl's chin up

"You're amazing, you're so fucking strong and brave and God knows how much I cherish you in this world. I've been planning this day for months. The day when you step away from your past and entire into a new path. This isn't the only surprise I have for you" Kate chuckled before spinning the girl around, leading her towards the plank

"Wha- WHAT DOES THAT MEAN" Autumn screamed

"Oh just you wait and find out" Kate laughed

Joy comes in different forms, some where we express it through our smiles while others might express it through panic.

Gay. Panic.

The exact same thing our little Autumn seemed to be doing right about now. Her eyes widened with each step she took, leading up to the beautifully decorated deck of the yatch


"The amount of times we literally slipped" Jamie groaned

"And we recovered nicely" Ethan smirked

"Well done" Jamie said before patting her back

"Yes. Job well done" Ethan smirked

"You two were in on this for months?" Autumn asked

"Yep, ever since the night we met Lisa, we've known Kate would plan something"

"So what you're saying is.. You lied to me" Autumn said in a stern voice, causing the two teenagers to be left silent with their mouths left opened to talk


"Um" Ethan mumbled

Autumn took a step and the two took a step back, their hearts starting to pump faster in their chest when they locked onto the icy cold eyes of the actress that crossed her arms against her chest

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