Chapter 17

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The First Rule

Matteo resumed his babysitting duty the morning following the princess's birthday celebration, and I resumed my own routine.

I was finally making progress with the women in the kitchen, little by little. 

It had begun with Maria, the head cook with the silver streaked red hair. I made it a point to attempt conversation every single time I joined them and, eventually, her responses became less clipped, more sincere. She began telling me stories; short anecdotes about her life. Like the time her son had taken in a stray kitten and hidden it in a box under his bed. Or how that same son now had a son of his own who dreamed of being a veterinarian.

Once she had warmed to me, the rest of the cooks followed suit. Where the kitchen had once been quiet and awkward, it was from then on filled with voices and laughter.

They still shot wary glances to where Matteo always was, hovering in the background. He preferred leaning against the wall, arms crossed, eyes gazing blankly at the ceiling. An air of disinterest hung about him, though I had a feeling he was listening to every word of our conversations. Much like myself, the kitchen staff would come to learn that he was more prone to heavy sighs than unprovoked attacks. And more so by the day.

I was dicing potatoes one afternoon when I was disrupted by an unexpected voice, "For once, it seems the gossips were correct."

I turned in time to see Princess Evelina toss a perfectly curled lock of glossy raven hair over her shoulder. Princess Sienna stood beside her like a miniature replica, though her eyes held none of the same cold calculation of her older counterpart.

I opened my mouth to say something, anything, but no sound came out. The week that had passed since I had last seen her, on the night of her birthday ball, had been much too short.

"What," she smirked, "no hello?"

"I– I–" I stuttered, completely caught off guard and embarrassed to have to face the princess in front of the ladies of the kitchen who had all only just begun to like me. To my relief, they at least pretended to not be paying attention.

She gave an airy laugh, "You're such a timid thing, Rose, I'm only teasing you." A delicate sigh slipped from her lips as she adjusted the amethyst bracelet at her wrist, glancing disdainfully around the room, "My dear brother would have my head if I upset you."

Her words were not nearly as reassuring as she likely intended. Instead of responding, I focused my attention back on my work cutting potatoes.

"I'm hungry," Sienna murmured to her sister.

The older princess tsked, turning to me again, "I hear that you insist on spending your days here. Will you cook something for us, little mouse?"

I looked up, startled, "Oh– I– I–," I stuttered again, "I just help out. If you'd like, I'm sure Maria would love to help you find something to–"

Her disbelieving laugh cut me off. She raised a brow in question, "Are you trying to tell me that you aren't allowed to cook anything?"

"Well, I–," I began, looking around at the cooks, uncertainly, "it's just that–"

Full lips pulled up in a smirk. "The first rule of being the alpha's mate, little mouse," she said, taking measured steps in my direction, "No one tells you no." She turned those unnerving eyes on the other women, somehow managing to pick out Maria without an introduction, "You're all dismissed for the evening, Rose will take it from here."

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