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**Please Read the A/N at the end for important info!**


Distantly, I was aware of the heavy raindrops pattering against the window across the room, but I had tuned it out. I couldn't tear my eyes from the photograph on the bookshelf.

It was a still from our wedding day, my favorite for its candidness. Almost all of the photos taken that day had been posed. But this one picture captured what the marvelous day had really been like. My pink cheeks, his forehead pressed to mine as he whispered sweet promises to me, his hand at my waist, pressing me much closer to him than any of the dancers around us, all of it was there. I could almost feel it all again as I looked at the picture, as if I was reliving the moment. It was the happiest day of my life.

But almost five years had passed since that day, and much, much too soon I would have a new favorite day.

The door opened behind me, but I didn't look.

Luca gently pulled my hand away from my arm. "You're worrying again," he murmured as he kneeled in front of me and brought the palm of my hand to his mouth to press a tingling kiss against my skin. My heart fluttered in my chest as he trailed more kisses along the scar I had been absentmindedly rubbing.

I couldn't resist leaning down to steal a kiss on my lips from him before responding, "I don't think I'm ready for this."

He sighed, pressing one last soft kiss against my huge, swollen belly, before rising and swooping me into his arms. He sat us down on the settee, draping by body across his lap, with my back resting comfortably against the armrest. Luca nuzzled his head into my neck, "You have nothing to worry about, Rosa."

"I'm not prepared," I insisted. There was no way to prepare. Our baby would be half human and half shifter. Nobody knew what to expect, how much of each species' characteristics they might inherit. Most of the kingdom was holding their breaths, afraid that I would birth a fully human DiLuna heir.

I was scared for an entirely different reason. I worried that I would have a child with the full capabilities of a shifter, and I would fail miserably at raising them. Luca had assured me many times that they would remain in one form until their first shift in late adolescence, but still, I couldn't shake the image of attempting to wrangle a toddler that was so much stronger and faster than myself.

His nose trailed along my collar bone. "You're going to do an amazing job, and he is going to love you."

I laughed, throwing my head back, "He?"

He smiled against my skin, before lifting his head to look into my face, "Yes, a little boy to grow into our next king after me. He'll be strong and brave, and he'll keep our kingdom safe."

I shook my head, "I'm carrying a girl. But, she will be every bit as strong and brave. And, she will do more than keep the kingdom safe, she's going to change the world, even more than we ever could."

He brought his lips to mine for a brief kiss. "I would expect nothing less from a daughter of yours," he said as he pressed his forehead to mine, as he had on our wedding day.

"But," he said, pulling his face from mine, "I do think you're wrong. It's going to be a boy."

I shook my head again, defiantly.

He chuckled, "Shall we take a wager on it?"

I laughed with him, "My mate, always the negotiator."

He shot me a playful grin.

"Alright, I'll bite," I said, watching his smile broaden, "what are the stakes?"

"Well," he said, pulling me tighter to his chest. How about, if we have a boy and you lose, then you have to spend the rest of your life by my side. If we have a girl and I lose, then I have to spend the rest of my life by your side."

I laughed again, looking into those hypnotizing violet eyes as his hand reached up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "So, do we have a deal, little mate?"

I leaned forward to press another lingering kiss against his lips, wondering how I could ever worry about anything with him by my side.

"We have a deal."


That's it! After quite the bumpy road, I have finally finished this story, and I am so thankful to each and every one of you for reading, it really means so very much to me.


To find out what happens next in Luca and Rose's little lives (through the adventures of their child), head to my profile and check out Not My Fairytale! You wont regret it!

I will be taking the next week or two to recover and edit the chapters that I have up of NMF, before wrapping up that story within the next few months as well.

Follow my profile for any and all updates on upcoming projects

Thank you all again <3

Xx Ren

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