Chapter 2: The Most Viral of The Viral

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Unless you did something that is society-atrracting, don't ever try to get yourself some attention.

Night soon falls at the Bear Cave, when the Bears themselves had been setting up for the "most viral of the viral" video (that will get the attention they deserve), not to mention a bunch of extension wires connecting towards their cave.

The wires looked like it had been connected to other people's homes, or Wi-Fi routers, for that matter, that it looked like a river of electricity that is volted enough to stun a squirrel.

"Okay now, we're set!" Grizz called Ice from the door, just as he finished plugging in the last of the cables. "Little bro, how's it going up there?"

The polar bear was already on the roof of the cave, welding in the last few inches of metal that held a huge satellite dish wired with the wires from the house.

It's when he was finished when he took off his welding mask and told his brother, "Hacking complete. Ice Bear is in."

"All right!" Grizz became so happy at the news he had heard (or so he thought). "Let's get this show on the road!"

If you had noticed, their cave has been wired in with a lot of cables, like really, a lot of cables. They are being "tentacled" out of the house, out of the door and windows, and that they all led somewhere (if you tell me).

Grizz then went first inside the house just as he said those words, and Ice then followed later on, watching in the distance first as if he's looking for someone who may be suspicious about the wires.

"Hey, Pan-Man! How's the set coming along?" the eldest brother asked the middle one, who had set up a green screen at the back of the living room, which covered up the kitchen.

Seeing them coming in had made Panda convinced about their "plan" they'd set up. "Okay, I guess... Uh, Grizz, I don't know about this plan you just set up..."

"Panda, it's foolproof! No worries," Grizz reassured him, just as he approached the laptop that had been wired on all sides and started typing on the keyboard. The laptop screen showed Panda in front of the green curtain being pinned at the wall. "We're putting every popular video in one video! Oh, those people will gonna love it!"

"But, uh, I don't think we could. Shouldn't this be a little bit more original?" Panda told him with uncertainity while he's being shown on the screen with meme-y backgrounds that Grizz had browsed in. "This sounded like, I don't know, cringy and essayed?"

The elder brother then went closer to the middle one, confident to himself about the plan, saying that everything will be planned as he wanted to have.

"The Internet is a very positive place, all full of good people that are kind and supportive to everyone else."


"Shh, shh," Grizz shushed him. "Do it for the likes. No negative vibes."

But the Internet is also full of trolls and mean people and criminals, too, Panda thought. You don't know that. I mean, there's been incidents of cybercrimes all over the world! And that we will be targeted at the next event! You don't want us to get victimized, do you, Grizz?

He had thought about that for himself, but he didn't want his elder brother to worry about what he's about to say. Agreeing on his decision, he kept his mouth shut.

"Okay, the last thing we need is, oh! Your phone, Pan-Man," Grizz requested.

"What? My phone? What for?"

"Well, we have to connect to your account! @COOL~GUY28, right?"

Panda then took out his phone as he said so, never minding the shove with the elbow that the grizzly had done to him just to convince.

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