Chapter 7: Internet Animal Partytimes

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Let's get partying! That is, if they don't know who you truly are...

The dusk has arrived, and the van that the Bears had used (out of the same police van that they hijacked days ago) had crashed into the ground and became a total bust.

The Bears, who had been on the ground before the van crashed (and that they jumped off it before it happened), were already been laid on there with bruised bodies, that is, until the dusk had arrived and that they are now awake.

"Ohh... Uh, are you guys all right?" Grizz asked his brothers weakly, himself being the first to get up from the hard fall.

Panda went up next, for that he's been awake that time, but he did so when he heard his brother speak.

"Mmm... yeah... I guess..."

Ice went up, too, by the time his other two brothers were already up the same.

Once the trio had been awake from the hard fall (as it had said before), they all turned around, only to find their van already damaged. The body remained intact, but the engine and other parts were as "busted" as it was when that happened.

Seeing the van being crashed down urged Panda to say in a sarcastic tone:

"Oh, look at it. The van's totally busted; nice job, everyone."

"Hey, it's not my fault!" Grizz shot back, showing innocence. "I was just trying to get to Canada-"

"...of course, you did, by trying to mess up the route in the first place! I told you that the detour is the best option! Now look; little bro here just make such a mistake."

"There's no way that little bro had done this," he went back, serious this time. "I mean, we didn't seem to get along with the route."

"Oh yeah?!" Panda dosen't seem to agree with his eldest brother. "Don't even blame me into this mess; we all did this, remember?"

The argument that Panda had made to Grizz had annoyed Ice Bear enough to place his paws over his own ears and ignore them while he keep his emotionless face intact, as usual.

"Okay, okay, I get it, Panda, and I'm sorry," Grizz broke in. "Good news here, we all did this. Isn't that right, little bro?"

Ice Bear didn't said anything; he seems to had saw something.

"Uh, little bro?"

Still no response.

"I think little bro just starts imagining things again," Panda told him.

"Ice Bear sees lights ahead," Ice then replied, his right paw pointing to what he thinks were colored spotlights.

The other two then turned to where he had pointed and had saw what he had saw: there were spotlights ahead, just right behind a cornfield in front of where they are now.

What followed are faint sounds of party music from where the lights are.

"Wow, that sounded like there is a party going on over there," Grizz told his brothers, being the first to hear the music from afar.

He then went up from where he is and excitedly exclaimed:

"Looks like everything's going to be fine! I'm sure that whoever is out there, the one who played such good party music, can help us fix our van."

"Are you sure...?" Panda replied, unsure about what his brother had decided (that fast).

"Oh, sure! I can tell you, this is going to be okay."

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