14 • being bellamy

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We raced through the forest as fast as we could in attempts to find Roma before the Grounders got to her

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We raced through the forest as fast as we could in attempts to find Roma before the Grounders got to her. This time, none of us stopped. As we went on, running across the forest floor became easier with each step. Maybe one day, it would be second nature.

We slowed down when we spotted a figure up against a tree. Bellamy took the lead, walking ahead of the group to see if it was Roma.

When he rounded on the tree, he stepped back in shock. I ran up next to him, to find Roma pinned up against a tree with a spear. This time, they hadn't allowed the person they speared to survive. By the looks of where it landed, she died on impact.

"They're playing with us," Finn told us.

Bellamy reached a hand up, closing Roma's eyes. "She only came because of me," he whispered.

It saddened me to see him act this way. "You can't blame yourself," I told him as I rested a hand on his shoulder. "We all chose to be here, you didn't force us."

Finn continued with what he had been saying about the Grounders. "They can kill us whenever they want."

"Then they should get it over with!" Jasper screamed. "Come on!"

Dropping my hand from Bellamy, I ran over to be with him. How ignorant could I be to not realise the effect this would have on Jasper. He himself had been speared not long ago.

"Jasper, stop!" I whispered harshly. I didn't want to anger him more, but I also didn't want to see him killed.

He ignored me, turning in a circle. "We know you're out there! You want to kill us, come get us!"

"Please, Jasper, you're going to get us all killed!"

But it was too late. The other girl, besides Roma, who had joined us called Bellamy's name.

We knew what was happening before it even happened.

The Grounders had revealed themselves, closing in once more. The remainder of us tightened our stance in preparation to fight as the Grounders charged at us from every direction.

All we could do now, was hope that if they were going to kill us, it would be fast. Now, I'm not religious at all, and I'm certainly not one to pray, but we had definitely gotten lucky today.

A loud horn sounded in the distance, and the Grounders stopped running as soon as they heard it.

"What the hell," I stated, completely confused by this turn of events.

Bellamy lowered his weapon, "They're leaving."

Jasper had finally calmed down enough to speak in a normal volume. "That horn. What does it mean?"

𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 ∘ Bellamy Blake (on hold indefinitely)Where stories live. Discover now