- C H A P T E R * * T W E N T Y -

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Author's Note: A little Isaiah POV for you all. Enjoy!

Twitter: JMSenar
Instagram: JMSenar

"Isn't that lying?" Isaiah asked Jean as his nose scrunched up in distaste

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"Isn't that lying?" Isaiah asked Jean as his nose scrunched up in distaste. Isaiah was not saint. He had lied countless of times – he had lied to his father, he had lied to his mother, he had lied to his friends. But lying was never his great forte. He wasn't good at it. Whenever he would tell a lie, somebody would hear how bullshit it is. He had not become an expert at it because, well, Isaiah really liked telling the truth even though it hurt. As a matter of fact, that's what he was doing right now, knowing the truth about himself.

He admitted to Jean that he liked someone – a boy, and he didn't know if that guy was gay or interested on him. Jean was no expert at feelings, and surely it was out of her knowledge about LGBTQ stuff, but after spending time with her gay friends, she had gotten at least an idea about it. Isaiah didn't Jean the name of the boy he liked because well, it wasn't the right time. Additionally, Chad was supposed to be his step-brother.

They weren't in a relationship yet, but there was already a conflict.

Who would have thought that Isaiah, a girl magnet, would like a boy his age? And it was his step-brother. That's crazy, he thought to himself. He wasn't even supposed to be interested at guys, let alone his step-brother. But he guessed life was just full of surprises.

Jean nodded her head. "That's lying, for sure."

Jean proposed the topic of being Isaiah's fake girlfriend. Since they both had no idea if Chad was interested into men, and hopefully Isaiah, this was the least, safest option they could do to get some reaction from Chad. Who knows, that little trick may do something worth magic.

Isaiah admitted it wasn't the best idea, but somehow, he thought to himself that jealousy could always make me people do dumb stuff. He looked at Jean for a moment, gears working inside his head as he contemplated whether to give in or not. Jean waited for his response as they ate at a nearby McDonald's just around the corner of street they went to take before Starbucks.

Jean, on the other hand, had no real motives for proposing this deal. She knew Isaiah was already infatuated with someone, and she's glad she just had a little crush on him, so it didn't hurt that much. On the brighter side, she was having fun helping her new friend to discover things for himself. Of all people, she least expected Isaiah to be part of the LGBTQ community. She could gush and gush about this to her friends, but as of the moment, she had better things to do to help Isaiah. Additionally, she respected Isaiah's space or privacy. He seemed curious enough, and of course, he would have to come out at some point. But to Jean, it didn't matter if Isaiah would like to come out or not. He could just continue his life without letting everyone know about his real sexuality.

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