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Again a girl went through the injustice.
Again a beast destroyed an innocent soul.
Again I am helpless, I couldn't do anything.

Laxmi was like my own sister. I had promised her that I'll protect her. But I couldn't. I couldn't protect her. Right now I am looking at her wounded face. The face ,which always had an innocent smile playing over it, is now sobbing in pain.

"Advocate Ram."
I heard the voice of Inspector Razia Siddqui.
I looked at her. Grief is clear over her face.
"Yes, inspector?"
"How's Laxmi?"
"She's alive.... She was supposed to be adorned like a bride but....."
Tears escaped from my eyes and reached my cheeks. 

My little sister ,who was going to marry, is going through the most difficult phase of life. Her life has been ruined by a beast. How she'll overcome this trauma?

I heard some footsteps approaching me.
It's Sunita Chachi's voice.
I turned around and found Sunita Chachi, Jagat Chacha and Nazneen Chachi coming towards me.

"What happened?" Jagat Chacha asked.

I couldn't utter a word. How would I tell them that their daughter has been raped just a day before her marriage? How would I tell them that their daughter's pride has been snatched away from her?

But Razia dared to tell them.
"Laxmi has been raped."

The hall of the hospital went complete silent. At the end this silence was broken by echo of crying voices. All of them began crying. I realised I am also at the edge of crying.

They entered the ward to see their daughter, who is now looking like a broken doll. Their sobs increased after watching their daughter in such a painful condition. Her body is wounded. Her eyes are struggling to remain open. Her soul has now started hating her for making her parents cry.

Since the day I have joined police force, I am facing such situations. I am facing innocent girls suffering huge pain. I am facing parents crying on their daughters' fate. I am facing my soul, which is continuously taunting me for being so helpless. Why I am still in police force, if I can't save these girls? Why I am even alive, if I can't do something which would make me feel proud of myself?

I am feeling like I am just a puppet. A puppet, who is blindly following orders of corrupt officers. A puppet, who has no heart, no emotion.

I can see Laxmi and her family crying. I want to tell them, " I will bring justice to your daughter. I will punish that beast. I will do it for sake of being a woman. I will do it for all girls who suffered the pain they never deserved."
But I can't say anything. Because I know I can't do anything, I am helpless.

I immediately left the hospital before my soul shatter into pieces.

I moved towards the police car. I saw Inspector Lal, who is sitting on the driver's seat and listening to those dirty songs, which literally disgrace a woman's pride.

He is one of those officers who have sold their honesty to the powerful figures of the society. This man could do anything for money. He doesn't deserve to be a part of police force.

As soon as he acknowledged my presence he paused the music and came out of the car.

"Jai Hind, madam." He saluted me.

I am looking at him with an expression of being annoyed by his recklessness.

I was about to say something to him but my phone rang in between .

"Ma'am, immediately reached to the old factory outside the city. That six years old girl who was missing for a month is here." the female constable was seeming shocked.
"Is something serious?"
"Situation is really serious. You please come fast."
And the call ended.

I immediately went to the location. As I entered the factory I saw the most horrifying scene of my life.

The little six year-old girl lying on floor, her body covered with wounds. A girl,who was in the age of playing with toys, has been used as a toy by a demon to satisfy his lust.

I couldn't bear it anymore. I ran outside the building, to a little far. And....I cried. I cried till the time there were no more tears left in my eyes.

I can't stay quite anymore. I have to fight, even if it causes my death. At least I'll be able to proudly tell my God, I fought for humanity.

A week has passed. Laxmi is no more the Laxmi I knew. She has changed. Looking at her in such condition is like reliving my own past.

Her marriage broke. Her heart broke. Her whole world broke into pieces.

She has isolated herself in her small room. She doesn't eat, sleep, speak, she just keeps thinking. She is thinking, what's her fault.

Her family is also really shaken up by watching her in such grief.

Since seven days I am continuously trying to act strong but I end up crying whole night, while covering myself in blanket so no-one could realize I am crying.

With so much difficulty I had overcame my trauma. But now Laxmi's condition has again brought me to that dark corner of the world.

I am watching Ram. He is continuously trying to persuade Laxmi's parents to file a complaint. But they are afraid of humiliation. Just like what happened with me. My mother was afraid. She doesn't wanted to face anymore humiliation and she was concerned about Aiza's future. So she remained quite.

On the tenth day, I knocked at the door of Laxmi's room. But no response came.
"Laxmi, open the door. I have brought dinner for you."
Again, no response.
I continuously knocked for ten minutes. But neither Laxmi responded nor she came out.

I immediately told others about it. All of them started shouting Laxmi's name and knocking hard on the door. But all in vain.

At the end, Ram decided to break the door. After four-five hits finally he broke the door.

But when we entered the room......Laxmi!

She was hanging on the roof. Stake tied around her neck. A small stool fallen on the floor. Laxmi suicide.

This scene in front of my eyes followed loud cries of everyone standing beside me.

Again a girl ended her life because she couldn't bear the humiliation. Because she didn't had a courage to face the society. Because she regretted to be born as a girl.

☆Please ignore if there is any grammatical mistake.
☆Tell me if you think something could be better.
☆Comment about what you felt after reading this chapter.
☆I am trying to make my words more expressive. If you people can feel the pain of characters so maybe I succeeded. Tell you felt it or not.

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