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Aiza and Mira are standing in front of me. A wealthy entrepreneur of Bhopal has complained that these girls have beaten his sons. Those boys are bruised all over their bodies.

"Aiza and Mira, tell me why both of you beaten these boys?"

"They were misbehaving with us. And in self defence we beaten them." replied Aiza.

"These girls are lying. Our sons are really decent. They can't misbehave with anyone." said the fatty old man. While his wife, wearing a Banarasi sari, was nodding at his every statement like a puppet.

Such rich parents are the main reason of increasing rapes. They make their sons think that money can do anything, money can even undo their crimes. More than a rapist, these rich and ignorant parents are responsible for destruction of a girl's life.

But today no injustice will happen. Today their riches will not be able to save their sons. Today I'll punish them.

"Ok, for once I believe that your boys are innocent and these girls are the original culprits. But we don't have any proof."

"Madam, our sons are saying the truth. These shameless girls are responsible for their such condition."

"But where's the proof that these girls are the one who beaten your boys? We need a witness."

"What are you suggesting?"

I looked at the girls who were standing at a corner with a rage in their eyes.

"Beat them again, here, in front of our eyes."

Everyone looked at me with astonished looks.

"Girls, I said beat them again."

Both the girls gave me a courageous smile and moved towards those boys.

Their parents tried to protest but I ordered the constables to lock them in the jail.

Aiza and Mira began beating the boys with their chappals. I had never thought that these skinny girls have so much courage in their hearts. Looking at the scene in front of me, my heartbeats were pounding with pride. Finally I did my duty. I didn't obeyed any powerful figure, I obeyed justice. Today I can proudly say that I am a Police Officer, who did her duty honestly.

I reached home. Ammi, Sunita Chachi, Jagat Chacha and Ram were sitting in the hall. Tension was clearly visible on their faces.

"Why police took Aiza and Mira with them?" I asked.

"They told that someone complained against them for beating two boys."replied Ram.

"But why? Why they will beat someone?" I don't believe that Aiza and Mira could do such thing.

I was about to rain the questions over Ram, but I heard the voice of opening of the main door. I turned to take a look. Aiza and Mira entered with Inspector Razia.

The trio had smiles over their faces, which reflects that nothing bad has happened.

Aiza stood in front of me.
"Apa, I protected myself."
Her eyes were shining like the Sun.

"Aiza and Mira beaten two boys who were misbehaving with them. They bravely protected themselves." said Razia.

Aiza protected herself.

Today my biggest fear has ended forever. I was afraid for Aiza's safety. But today she has proven that she's capable of protecting herself.

I hugged her. Today I am really very happy for my sister. I am relieved.
"I am proud of you, Aiza."

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