15 - Back to Life

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Thank you guys so much for 15k reads ilysm😭😭😭

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Shinsou POV:

I walk out of my room and see my parents. I greet them but they don't say anything back. I guess that comes with having a villain quirk.

My parents honestly suck. I see Aizawa and Mic as parents more than my i do my biological ones.

Is that supposed to make Izu seem like a brother to me? He is kind of like a brother, but different. When i'm around him he makes me feel happier than anyone else i've ever met.

But then again I don't have an actual brother, so this might just be normal.

I walk back into my room and take my uniform into the bathroom. I take a quick shower and then style my hair up. The gel I have only takes 30 seconds to harden so I don't have to worry about it anymore.

I through my homework into my bag (yes I actually did it for once) and walk outside so I can get the train to UA.

I go to my class and sit down at my desk. I got 30 minutes of sleep last night, so my energy is way high.

I stare out the window tapping my foot on the ground. I shouldn't have slept last night. By body isn't used to this kind of energy.

I sigh and attempt to think about something else.

Bakugou POV:

What the hell is wrong with me? No matter how hard I try I can't get him out of my head.

Why does Deku feel so important to me? All i've ever done was make his life a living hell, and now I have a crush on him?

Damn, i'm fucked in the head. Yeah, I need to tell shitty hair i'm rethinking his offer. I need therapy for this shit.


I look up and see icyhot standing by my desk.

"D'you need something half n half!?" i reply.

"You seem really distracted by something. Are you ok?" he asks.

Is he looking down on me!? That damn roach should know better than to-

"And no, i don't think i'm better than you. I can just tell you've had a lot on your mind lately, and I know its better to get it off your chest."

I look him in the eyes. Does he actually care? My mom never made it seem that way. It's my fault for being so weak and vulnerable. I'm not in love! I can't be!

I sigh before speaking again.

"I'm not really sure what's going through my head right now. If I can put it into words i'll tell you. But right now I don't know." 

Why did I tell him that? I honestly don't know. I just kind of felt like I could trust him.

"Well whenever you're ready to talk about it i'm here. And I get it. It's not always a good time to talk about things."

I nod and give him a small smile. Wait- I can smile!?!?!?!?

Todoroki POV:

Holy shit! I wasn't even expecting a response let alone a whole ass smile! What could this mean!? Is he best jeanist's secret love child or something!?!?! Omg.... I've gotten a breakthrough!


Izuku POV:

I walk down the hallways leading up to class 1-A. I'm supposed to meet Shota in there for lunch afterwards.

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