The baby

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You get up from bed and sees Michael with Elizabeth your daughter which is two years of age Michael says sweetly "good morning beautiful". You smile and say "good morning". Elizabeth smiles and says "mommy good morning". You smile back and says "good morning honey".

Michael gives Elizabeth to you, you get up from bed you go to the kitchen and get food for Elizabeth you put her in the chair with cushions so she can see over the table.

You get her food ready, you give her food to her she eats it you hear a announcement: "Michael we need you outside it's an emergency". You grab Elizabeth and her food you go back to Michael's room a alarm goes off you jump you put Elizabeth on your bed you give her food she eats it all the maid comes in you ask her "do you mind if you keep an eye on Elizabeth"? The maid says sweetly "no I don't". You say "thank you".

You get clothes you go into the bathroom and gets dressed you walk out of the bathroom into your room you smile and says "Elizabeth you stay with the maid I'll be right back". She nods and smiles back you walk out of your room you walk down the hall closing the door you go into the living room you go to the door and open it you walk outside, the alarm shuts off you turn the corner and hide behind the wall and hears Michael talking Italian to a guy that looks familiar you hear "lei è mia moglie che diavolo sei troppo dimmi che non è"? Translation: she's my wife who the hell are you too tell me she isn't.

The guy says in Italian "è scappata da me tutti perché l'ho colpita per caso e non ha esattamente rotto con me è appena scappata". Translation: she ran away from me all because I hit her on accident and she didn't exactly break up with me she just ran away. Michael says in Italian angry "Non mi interessa che sia mia moglie se hai un problema e poi fai qualcosa al riguardo e non la biasimo a scappare da te, hai abusato di lei e non mi interessa se è stato un incidente o no". Translation: I dont care she's my wife if you have a problem with it then do something about it and I don't blame her running from you, you abused her and I don't care if it was a accident or not.

You run back into the house scared of what is going to happen you go inside and goes back to your room the maid asks "you ok"? You shake your head yes you grab Elizabeth you say "thank you, you may leave". She nods and leaves closing the door you pick up Elizabeth you open the door and walks out of the room you go walk outside you put her down by the building and asks "Elizabeth wanna see the pretty butterflies on the flowers"? She smiles and says excitedly "yes I wanna see them".

You grab Elizabeth's little hand and walks to the flowers "there's my girls". Michael says excitedly. You say pretending nothing happened "oh hey". You see the man you ask "who's this"? Michael says "a old friend of yours that's what he's claiming to be at least".

Elizabeth begins to cry you ask "hey hey hey what's the matter"? She doesn't say anything then she let's go of your hand she goes over to Michael and says "daddy pick me up". Michael picks her up and asks "what's the matter"? Elizabeth says "that's the man that was near my window the other night". You get angry you look at him you walk up to the man and punches him he says "you shouldn't have done that". You look at him like you don't care and asks "what you gonna do about it"?

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