Sorrow creeping in

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You look at the ground feeling like breaking down to cry then Jake asks "you just can't die can you"? You don't say anything Michael says in a stern tone "leave her alone". You look back up at Jake and says "just because I'm different doesn't mean you have to be a asshole towards me".

Jake says "I might be related to you and in this family but that doesn't mean I'm gonna treat you as if you matter". Michael yells "SHE'S MY WIFE SHE DOES MATTER SHE BROUGHT A BEAUTIFUL BABY GIRL INTO THE WORLD THAT LITTLE GIRL IS YOUR FUCKING NIECE ARE YOU GONNA SAY THE SAME THING TO HER LIKE YOUR DOING TO YOUR SISTER"!?!

You look at Michael your heart leaps when he said that you walk over to him you say "please calm down I understand your upset but please calm down". He then looks at you, you see tears forming in his eyes you hug him you rub his back you feel his warm arms go around and pulling you closer to his chest as if he never wants to let you go.

Harvey says "well well well if it isn't Mr. Wanna kill everyone for no reason". Jake takes his attention off you and puts it towards Harvey he asks "who are you"? Harvey says with a smugglish tone "I'm Harvey". You look at Jake you see his face go pale white like he's seen a ghost.

Michael let's go of you, you turn around and sees Jake getting scared you ask "what's with you"? He looks at you and says "nothing I thought I killed him that's all". Harvey looks at Jake confused and asks "why is that"? Jake sighs and says "because when I killed your family.....for reasons I killed a guy as well and I thought it was you".

Your eyes widen then you realize what he did Jake looks at you and asks "what"? You shake your head slowly then you back up into Michael then you vision everything coming together you look at all three of them and say "all three of you are apart of this".

Michael looks at you confused and asks "what"? You walk away from Michael you go by a wall Jake and Michael goes by a wall in front of you, you vision everything again to make sure your correct then you explain.

"Harvey you were together with me for four years you were going to marry me but then Michael came back and took a interest in me so you took me out of your life then Anthony came along me and him were together then we fought and I got kicked out so I ran and passed out then Michael stumbled into me and helped me".

Michael cuts you off and asks "what is going on we already went through all of this"? You look at him with hate in your eyes you say "I'm not mad at you it's Harvey and Jake that I'm fucking pissed about". Michael looks at the ground you then look at Harvey and asks "how could you do this"?

Harvey gets confused and asks "how could I do what"? You give him a evil look and explains "after I was with Anthony you never left you stayed in my life to make sure nothing ever happened to me and then after Michael found me you left and pretended nothing happened".

Harvey looks at you confused and shocked mixed together he asks "how did you know that"? You look away from him you look at Jake and says "you never liked me but you protected me so when you heard that Harvey hurted me you went to go kill him but when you got to his house you didn't kill him you killed our.....".

You stop talking when you realized what else happened Jake then says "that's enough your not making any sense". You give him a more evil look and yells "YOU KILLED OUR FATHER YOU KILLED HIM ANTHONY PAYED SOMEONE AND IT WAS YOU, YOU WANTED TO KILL HARVEY BUT INSTEAD SINCE DAD WAS THERE TO HANDLE IT YOU KILLED HIM INSTEAD I SHOULD KNOW BECAUSE HE WENT TO KILL HARVEY BUT YOU KILLED DAD INSTEAD"! Jake goes pale white again and asks "how the fuck are you getting all of this information"?

Michael then looks at you with realization Jake looks at you and Michael he then says "wait a minute no that's impossible what the hell is this, this isn't possible". You don't say anything Jake asks scared and pissed mixed together "you were fucking talking to him weren't you"?

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