A surprise

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You slap Felix and says "get the hell off me". He laughs and says "it's a joke". He gets off you he walks back to the wall you stare at him and says "don't ever do that again". He says calmly "it was a test". You ask "what"? He says "it's a test I did it to see if your loyal and faithful".


You give him a death look and yells "DOES IT LOOK LIKE I FUCKING CARE GIVING ME A TEST TO SEE IF I'M COMMITTED BITCH PLEASE"! He shakes his head and says "sorry I just wanted to make sure". You get up you grab clothes you go into the bathroom you change you come out you lay down in bed you say "piss off". You then lay on your side facing away from Felix you vision Michael getting pissed of what Felix did you get tired you then drift off to sleep.

The next morning you wake up you sit up and look around you hear your phone go off you answer it you say groggily "hello". Michael says "come outside". You ask "what"? Michael says "come outside".

You get confused you get up from bed slouching you walk over to the door you open it you go into the hallway yawning through the living room you ask "what's going on"?

He chuckles and says "just come outside". You go to the door you open it you go outside you see Elizabeth with Felix then you see a suv you say "I'm out here I don't see anything except for our daughter and your brother".

Then the phone hangs up you look at it confused you then gritt your teeth you walk over to Felix you pick up Elizabeth you ask "are you doing another test"? Felix says "no". You get pissed and say "I'm going inside whatever this is I'm not going to apart of it neither is my daughter".

Felix asks "so your still mad at me from what happened last night"? You say sarcastically "nah I'm happy you decided to test me about my loyalty and commitment to my family". Felix says "I didn't ask for sarcasm".

You get mad and say "I didn't ask for you to test me either but you know it's all good I'm glad I know where I stand with you". Felix asks "what do you mean"?

You get frustrated and you say "I'm glad you don't trust me I'm glad you wanna test me and I'm glad that your not my brother". He says "excuse me". You don't say anything you turn around and bumps into someone you shriek and jump back.

"So your testing my wife"? Michael asks crossing his arms over his chest. Elizabeth squeals and says "daddy"!!! You put Elizabeth down she runs to Michael he picks her up she hugs him you stand there tearing up as you see his knuckles cut up.

Michael looks at you and asks "Baby you ok"? You rush up to him and hugs him he hugs you tightly. He cries in your neck and says "I missed my girls". You say crying as well "we both missed you as well". Felix says "yeah we can tell".

Michael looks at Felix and asks "why we're you touching and testing her"? Felix says "I was doing it to make sure she wasn't like the other girls you've been with". You motion one of the guards over he asks "yes ma'am"? You tell him "put Elizabeth in the house". He nods he grabs Elizabeth and walks into the house.

You get angry and say "this right here is my family no one will ever and I mean ever take it away from me I will fight for my family whether people like it or not".

He looks down and says "I wanted to make sure". Michael lets go of you he walks over to Felix and punches him "YOU REALLY THINK I CAN'T MANAGE THINGS, JUST BECAUSE YOUR THE OLDEST DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN CONTROL ME"! Michael yells punching him repeatedly. You get scared you hyperventilate you back up Michael stops he stands up he looks at you.

You get dizzy Michael rushes over to you he says "it's ok it's ok hey shhhhhhh I'm sorry". You then pass out Michael picks you up bridal style he takes you inside he goes to his room he lays you down in bed he then lays down with you holding you.

You wake up seeing Michael looking at you he asks "you ok"? You nod and ask "where's Elizabeth"? He looks at you seriously and says "she's asleep you took a long time waking up I thought-". He stops talking his eyes tear up you say "hey shhhhhhh it's ok I'm ok". He looks back at you and says "I don't wanna lose you".

You snuggle into his chest he holds you tightly and pulls you closer to his chest you ask him "why did you come home early and how"? He says "well I didn't need 3 days I only needed one I did all my work, by the way I got you and Elizabeth gifts".

You smile and say "I don't care I'm just glad your home". He kisses your forehead he lays his head on yours you then fall asleep. The next morning you wake up you see Felix in the room you sit up and asks "where's Michael"?

Felix says "he's in the kitchen with Elizabeth and today I'm leaving". You nod and say "thank you". He looks at you confused and asks "for what"? You say "for telling me where they were". He says still looking at you confused "ok your welcome".

You get out of bed you go to the door you open it up you walk to the kitchen and sees Michael giving Elizabeth her gifts you say "good morning". Michael says "good morning baby". You walk over to Michael and kisses his cheek he grabs your arm he then turns you around and wraps his arms around your waist.

You smile and say "I love you to". He puts his chin on your shoulder you look at Elizabeth and asks "so what you doing honey"? Elizabeth says "daddy got me this". She holds up a necklace that has a ocean blue gem on it.

 She holds up a necklace that has a ocean blue gem on it

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You say "it's pretty sweetie". Michael sways you back and forth he whispers in your ear "pick up that present it's for you". You pick it up and open it you see a gold ring with your name engraved on it with a saying that says "His queen".

You smile and say "it's pretty I love it"

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You smile and say "it's pretty I love it". He lets go of you he grabs the box he grabs the ring out of the box and slides it on your finger he then looks at your eyes he holds up his hand and shows you "her king" ring with his name on it I smile he smiles back and says "I wouldn't know what I would do without my girls".

You hug him and says "I love you I wouldn't know what I would do without you or her either". Elizabeth then asks scared "mommy why is Harvey here"? You two stop hugging you get scared you run over to Elizabeth you pick her up Harvey leans in the doorway he smirks and asks "so where did I leave off"?

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