Chap 39:You Seduce Me

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Chap 39

Early in the morning, where farmers shivers in cold air,


,there is a house that is heating up in inferno.


Wally touches Geo's waist to make him stable as he keeps swinging his butt.

"This guy...." Wally grits his teeth.

Sweat is slipping down his cheek.

"Don't...That's too much." Wally moans as he keeps hammering behind Geo.
Geo smiles as if he is entranced.

"Don't stop moving. Ahhh...ahhh....Don't..Umm..."


Wally wipes Geo's face with a warm water.

"Do we really have to do atleast once every morning?"
He carresses Geo's tender face.
He is in love with him.
And everyday he keeps making him love him more.

Geo giggles.
He can't move. Last night, Wally already messed him up.
This is taking a bit toll in his body.

"I guess too much might seriously a problem huh." Geo said giggling.

Wally sighs but there is a smile in his lips.

"Rest up. I will cook breakfast."

"Umm....Sorry. let's change the sleeping arrangement for every two nights?"

Wally flicks his forehead.
"Once every night."

Geo suddenly sit up grabbing Wally's collar.
"One?? Once???"

Wally puts him back to the bed with a sigh.
"Stop flailing and just rest."

"Once...Don't joke with me." Geo grumbles.

Wally can't help but laugh.
"Fine. Twice.."
He said planting a kiss in his lips.
"I love you."

Geo happily hugs his nevk pulling Wally to him

"I love you too."


It's Leon's birthday and Wally and Geo's second wedding.
But for Geo it was their first.

After the ceremony, Geo keeps crying and refuse to let go of Wally.
He keeps hugging him.

Wally needs to entertain the guests but also has no heart to remove Geo's arm around him.
In the end, the two cuddle in the bed while The in-laws entertain the guests.

Leon is also the star of the event. As he keeps talking gibberish to anybody.
The guests are not offended but actually entertained because the baby works hard while his mother is having his emotional moment.

Wally keeps patting Geo's head.
They are in the bed sitting in the corner while Geo is sitting on Wally's lap hugging him like a baby.

"I love you Geo..Thank you for coming in my life."
Wally keeps saying sweet confession making Geo more choked with emotion.

He just hugs Wally and refuse to let go.
They are married.
Not just the Alli, the body he takes over, now he is seriously, physically and spiritually married to this man.
He is so happy that he can't express it.

"Are you tired? Do you want to sleep?" Wally asks with his comforting voice.

"I want to make love." Geo said after a while.

Wally laughs and kisses his forehead.
"No. You arw tired."

"I still want it. Even if I'm tired." Geo said wiping his face.

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