Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Ellie didn’t sleep a wink that night, she couldn’t erase the image of his face out of her mind, and Gabby’s snoring wasn’t exactly helping. She nudged Amy gently.

“What?” she mumbled sleepily.

“Nothing,” Ellie muttered, she was going to tell her what she had seen but the more she thought about it there more stupid it sounded.

She got up and went into the bathroom and sat on the counter with a sigh she normally slept so well, but tonight it was just not happening. She looked at herself in the mirror, and brushed her blonde hair from her face, then she froze when she saw him again only this time he was standing behind her. She turned around slowly, holding her breath and then gasped when she realised he really was there, or was she imagining it, she wondered.

“Hello Ellie,” his voice was deep and alluring, and before she realised what she was doing she was walking towards him.

“Who are you?” she whispered shakily.

She watched him as he tilted his head to the side with a look of amusement, she was frozen to the spot just inches away from him and she flinched when he reached forward and took a strand of her hair in between his fingers and twirled it around.

“I’ll be back for you, but not yet,” he told her.

“I asked who you were. I’ll scream!” she warned.

Lucifer stepped forward so that their chests were touching, “You know who I am love, you called me remember?”

All Ellie could do was nod, he was so mesmerising and, so beautiful she had never seen a man as beautiful as him in her life, his skin was flawless, eyes that were like ice and lips that begged to be kissed. What was she thinking she was insane, because he was just a figment of her imagination, she told herself.

“I’ll be back when you’re eighteen. Oh and Ellie be careful who you get close to.” He told her and with that he vanished, leaving behind a cold draft that seemed to hang around her.

The banging on the bathroom door, made her jump she was shaking like a leaf when she opened the door, but sighed in relief when she saw that it was only Amy.

“Are you alright, you don’t look well,” Amy said fussing around her.

“I’ll call my dad,” Ellie told her shuffling past and grabbing her phone from her bag.

She didn’t make the call though as she fainted, Amy rushed over to her and shouted down to her mom, who came running up the stairs.

“What’s wrong with her?” she asked.

“She’s fainted sweetie. Ellie can you hear me darling?”

She groaned and opened her eyes in confusion, looking at them both she shuffled away from them slowly and stood up.

“I’m fine will you call my dad to pick me?” she asked Kate.

“Yes sweetie are you sure your ok?”

Ellie nodded as Kate called her dad and told him what had happened he told her was on his way and to make sure she was ready for when he got there.

“Get your things he’s on his way.” Kate informed her.

She gave Amy an awkward hug and followed Kate downstairs to wait for her dad to come. She kept repeating what Lucifer had said about not getting close to people what did that mean exactly. Did she really see him, or was she just going insane.

Eric knocked on the front door and Kate opened it and smiled at him, she led him through to the living room where Ellie was waiting and he sat down next to her.

“Are you ok angel?” he asked stroking her hair.

Ellie nodded and smiled at him, and he took her bag and her hand and led her to the car. She waved at Kate and then looked up at Amy and froze when she saw that in the window behind her he was standing there smirking. She shook her head and looked up again and he was gone, it was just Amy standing there waving.

“I think I just need some sleep,” she mumbled more to herself.

“What was that?” her dad asked.


The drive back to her house was silent, her dad never really was one to push things, she was glad it was him that came and not her mother because she would have been fussing like an old woman. As they drove through the city centre Ellie looked up at the big church and frowned when she saw the gargoyle on the roof move its wings and look straight at her.

“Oh my word!” she gasped.

Eric looked over at his daughter and was shocked she looked ill, she was as white as a sheet and was sweating.

“What is wrong, do you need a doctor?” he asked in concern.

She looked out of the window again, back up at the church and her confusion grew the gargoyle was back in its usual position. She was seriously imagining things, first she thought she had met the devil and now she was seeing stone statues with glowing eyes.

“No dad, I just need some sleep, really I’m fine,” she reassured him.

When they got back home she ran up to her room in the attic and nearly screamed as she saw him lying on her bed, he looked up at her and smirked.

“Did you like my little trick with the gargoyle, your face was a picture,” he mocked.

“You’re not real, you’re not real!” She chanted walking past him and opening her closet.

“I’m not real? Can you pinch me to make sure?” he chuckled.

Ellie ignored him, grabbed a t-shirt and went into her bathroom to change the whole time she was still chanting that he wasn’t real, but he was still there lying across her bed regarding her with amusement.

“You’re not real, you are a figment of my overactive imagination,” she told herself climbing onto the bed.

He leaned across her and touched her and she screamed, she dived off the bed and landed in a heap on the floor, he obviously thought it was hilarious because he roared with laughter.

“I usually have the opposite effect on women, they normally throw themselves at me not away from me.”

Ellie looked up at him in fear, he really was there she couldn’t deny it any longer. Why did she have to be so stupid and summon him, and why hadn’t it worked for the other girls.

“I just came to elaborate on something I said earlier just to be sure I made myself clear. You are not to go near another man while I’m waiting for you, remember I am watching you always.” He told her, getting off the bed.

She had no idea what he wanted with her, “What do you want?” she sobbed.

He walked over to where she was sitting on the floor and without even moving she was suddenly been pulled to her feet and towards him, she tried to pull back and make her legs work but it was no use.

“I want your soul, but it needs to mature a little first,” he said, before he vanished again.

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