Chapter six

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Chapter 6

Ellie was relieved when he disappeared, she sat on the edge of her bed wondering what she could possibly do to get rid of him. The knocking on her front door made her jump and she quickly rushed to answer it, it wasn’t like it was going to be Lucifer he didn’t use doors.

She opened the door and frowned when she saw a man standing on her doorstep with a big smile on his face, he was dressed all in white and had shoulder length blonde hair, it was perfect and she was jealous of his hair he looked like he had just jumped out of a l’oreal advert.

“Can I help you?” she asked, looking him up and down.

“No but I think I can help you,” he stated, the big grin still plastered on his face.

“Who are you?” she asked, she’d had enough of weirdos for one night and she was damned if she was going to allow another one through her door.

“I’m Gabriel,” he told her.

“As in the angel?” she asked puzzled.

“That’s the one, a little birdie tells me that you have a situation on your hands?”

Ellie nodded, even though she could hardly call it a situation more like a nightmare come true.

“You better come in,” she told him, stepping aside so that he could enter her apartment.

He walked through to her living room and sat down, “So you summoned the devil?”

“Yeah,” she told him looking down at the floor in shame.

He made her feel uncomfortable and she felt like a naughty child that had been caught doing something they shouldn’t.

“Now normally I wouldn’t intervene, because you summoned him it’s your own fault, but all hope is not lost. You see Lucifer is pretty damn desperate to get his hands on you and do you know the reason for that?” he asked.

She shook her head, she didn’t know what he wanted with her other than the fact he had told her he wanted her virginity.

“He’s been waiting for you for a very long time, it’s been said in an ancient prophecy that he would find a virgin to be his queen and you would rule hell together, and the child you create together would be the most powerful being to ever exist.” He informed her.

She struggled to get her head around what he was saying, “And you’re here to stop this from happening?”

“I can’t stop it personally, but I can tell you how to stop it. You need to lose your virginity to someone else anyone else, just not him,” he went on to explain.

The thought of losing her virginity to Lucifer had been a scary thought but now she had an angel sitting in her front room telling her to have sex with a stranger.

“What would happen if we had a child together, just out of curiosity?” she asked, genuinely interested.

Gabriel frowned and sat forward, his blonde hair falling across his eyes, he swept it out of the way and smiled at her, “He would come to earth to die, and then he would be sent straight to heaven and that’s when he would take over.”

“He could kill God?” she asked with a frown.

Gabriel laughed and shook his head, “No of course not, but once you are accepted into heaven it’s quite hard to be kicked out, you see after Lucifer was banished from heaven all of us angels had our powers removed, so there was no chance of a repeat. All we can do is guard people and help them along with a decision, unfortunately we don’t have the power to make the decision for you. So ultimately what I am saying is your child would be accepted into heaven through your purity, but as soon as he entered he would have Lucifer’s wickedness. He could plot away for centuries if he wanted to, it wouldn’t be until he actually caused some destruction that he could be banished and by then he could have brought about the end of this world as you know it.”

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