Halloween Night

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Greg: So Trick Or Treat was canceled due to the virus but they still server candy at the store and Mom was nice enough to get the family some candy I really hope tonight I can just sit at home and eat candy and watch horror movies. I maybe will invite Rowley over maybe his parents forgot all about me pranking Rowley.

Greg: I looked for candy in the candy store. It was almost out of stock and when I was continuing to look Rowley called me up and said they canceled trick or treating but they still had haunted houses open so I ran home and asked Mom if I could go and she agreed only if I wore a mask. So I made sure to do so. So I headed fast to Rowley's house but before I could make it there I was stopped by the school bullies. So I ran faster than they did. And I made it to Rowley's house and ran in his house like a intruder. Rowley was like you good Greg? Cause I was out of breath, I told him to lock the door and that we couldn't go out there or else we'd get beat up by the bullies. And Rowley suggested that we did. He said come on, there just wimps. We can't let them ruin our Halloween night. Greg? I got a good idea let's cough around them and claim we have the virus. That'll make them stay away. Genius idea Rowley!
So we head outside and spot the bullies. We start coughing and they back away from us what Rowley said actually worked they didn't wanna be around someone with the virus. And we yelled out get lost or else we will give you the virus. They ran. So then me and Rowley head to the haunted house let's just say it was the scariest haunted house I've ever been to. But Rowley didn't seem too scared.

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