Tormented Souls

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 ~Chapter 7~

 Lost. I never knew it could be a feeling. I felt mentally lost. It was draining me. I didn't know where I stood. The reason as to why I haven't run off yet was fear. I did fear him no matter how much I tried to convince myself. But I was conflicted. A part of me wanted to stay. Another one wanted to figure out what could possibly be going on in his head. There was so much depth within ever movement he does. It all built up to what he's become. 

 The thing is we all have limits. Border lines and breaking points. It's how you know how far you are from the brick of insanity. We all have a choice whether to give in or fight back. These people only had a worse share in life. Or maybe just problems they couldn't take. It drove them to what they've become.

 After watching Jack eat he seemed stranger by the second. His eyes flashed with so many different emotions. It was impossible to tell what he was thinking or feeling. A few hours later, I went back to my room because he had left and god knows what he might've been up to. I didn't know why I was leaving my entire life behind me. I couldn't even bare to think of what people might've said as their own 'rational' explanation as to where I had gone off to.

 Later in the afternoon I went out to the little yard behind the house to catch some air. It seemed peaceful, the sun was setting. But you couldn't quiet see it there were a lot of factory towers in the way. His house was just a few miles a way from the city as to what I assumed. It looked up to a hill which held some factories on top.

 I was enjoying the cold air as I heard a lot of bangs and shouting coming from the side of the house. I walked over to the side and found the garage was lit up. I could hear the Joker shouting from inside but I couldn't make out what he was saying. I stepped closer and realized they'd see me. He was standing with a bunch of men. So I decided to go around the other side.

 I came to the other side of the garage and peaked around the corner. He was towering over an old man. His face was bruised and beaten up, I payed more attention to him and I figured who he was. He was the business man kidnapped from the party. What they had done to his face looked unholy. I watched as Joker crouched over him grabbing his face.

"You know I just HATE cocky old scum like you." He rasped.

"You think you're so heroic and good when it's people like you who are driving this city to it's doom," he continued.

"you all act like civilized people but when the chips are down, you'll all eat each other alive!" His laugh boomed.

"You know, you remind me of my father, I hated my father!" He grunted pulling out a knife fixing it to the man's face and I gasped.

 "Wanna know how I got these scars? My father was....a drinker. And a fiend. And one night he goes off crazier than usual. Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. He doesn't like that. Not. One. Bit. So, me watching, he takes the knife to her, laughing while he does it. Turns to me and he says "Why so serious?" Comes at me with the knife,"Why so serious?" He sticks the blade in my mouth. "Let's put a smile on that face!" And..... Why so serious? " And with a twist of his wrist he slits the man's face as I yelped.

 Tears streamed down my face as a few of his henchmen were carrying the guy out. I turned and ran back knocking over a few trash cans. I didn't know where to go but I was running back to Harley's room. 

"What was the?!" I heard him grunt.

"It's the girl." I heard his henchmen say as I turned around the corner and entered the house.

  I was shaking I ran into Harley's room and fumbled to lock the door. I finally succeeded as Joker started banging on the door. I backed away to the bed, there was no controlling my shaking now. I was horrified.

 "Striker open the door!" He yelled. I couldn't answer him even if I wanted to my voice wouldn't come out.

 "Eva I said open the god damn door!" He banged even harder. He stopped banging for a few moments and I heard him sigh.

 "Angel just let me explain." He sighed. At that moment I was fuming with anger I watched the guy die and I didn't do anything, and he thinks he can explain and I would be alright?!

 I turned the locks and opened the door and he looked at me. He hesitantly stepped closer and I opened my arms out for him. As he came in to hug me I slapped him and pushed him away.

 " You son of a b*tch!" I screamed at him.

 " You think everything will be alright by sympathizing with me?!" 

 "You almost did that to me in the asylum had I not hit you!" I fumed.

 " Doll, it was all for show. I wouldn't do that to you, I jus-" He trembled.

  " So you wouldn't do it to me but you're fine doing it to people twice your age! He's an old man he was gonna die anyway!" I yelled.

  "He had it coming for him, they're all corrupt angel." He spoke.

  "Don't call me that, you're sick!" I spat at him.

   "What makes you think you get to bring justice upon them huh?! That's right you weren't. You just wanna watch everything burn! You have no purpose you're conflicted as hell." I continued.

 "Just let me explain doll, it isn't in my hands pl-" He tried to explain but I cut him off.

 " You may keep me here and threaten me and I sure as hell won't run but know this, you're a monster and you'll always be one! There's no saving you, you're persuing the darkness yourself, now get out and leave me alone I can't stand the sight of you right now!" I pushed him as tears ran down my face.

I slammed the door and sobbed as I heard him plead outside the door. I wasn't exaggerating he was a monster. He lived for manipulating people. It's all mind games and murder with him. I got under the bed covers trying to stop his voice from ringing in my ears as he slit the guy's face. He had told him a story. One that was different from the on he told me. I couldn't understand why he'd make two pasts.

I woke up the next day feeling drained. I couldn't take the trauma he put me in. I couldn't escape the nightmares. I just grabbed my notebook and started doodling. It soothed me. An hour or so later there was a single faint knock on the door and I heard Joker clear his throat.

"There is some breakfast on the counter I'm gonna be in the office you can go get some." He spoke.

" I'd rather die." I spoke shouted back bitterly.

 "Fine then starve to death!" He spat back. I was taken back slightly by his tone.

I can't believe I actually thought there was a solution to his demons. There wasn't. It was too deep for even anyone to try. A soul so tormented you couldn't even begin to understand the past.


Okay guys that was chapter 7 ... I think :P

it's so hard keeping up with 2 active fanfics so bare with me because its like 6am here :P

Hope you guys enjoy this one.

Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts.

Do you think Eva was too harsh? Or did Jack deserve it?

Should she give him another chance?

Hope you have a nice day x

Much love xx

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