Jealousy and Messages

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~ Chapter 25 ~

 2 days later, I've had enough of Joker constantly barging into the room and trying to make things okay. I just needed sometime. He trying to make everything seem fine but there was no other way of looking into it.

"Eva?" He said stepping into my room.

"Oh why don't you come in." I said sarcastically.

He sat infront of me and I sighed. He looked at me for a few seconds and then spoke.

"Look, just hear me out. I didn't mean to say what I said! You know it's not true." He said.

"I've heard this crap for the past 3 days!" I raised my voice.

"I know if you'd just listen to me!" He grunted and I looked at the ground.

"Listen to me." He tried to calm down.

"No one's perfect. You know I had to say that to get out, we're human Eva." He began and I got frustrated.

"Perfect? Human? No Jack I do not know. Please explain! No let me! You're just using me. You think I'll leave you and you don't have access to another bitch to do your work for you! So you just keep going around trying to make me see a different angle of the same bloody picture! And yes no body's perfect and we're all human but there's a difference between human and heartless and that of which you are! You're a coward! You wouldn't even go out with me for a walk without hiding behind that little get up of yours! I know this isn't fair but what's the worst people could do? Surely nothing worse than you ever did and never something you haven't done. Now for the love of god, just give me some space!" My voice broke at the end.

"I- I already told you I'd stay and help you.. What more do you expect me to do? You've already taken everything away from me.. just please.. Give me some space?" I said in a weak voice breaking into tears. Before I knew it Jack stomped out and slammed the door.

I was too cruel on him but that was how hurt I felt. I really don't know what got over me. It was like the words just possessed me.

( 2 weeks later)

It has been 2 weeks since we fought. Everything was really mono toned. Joker seemed to give me my space and he was acting quiet normal actually. Also, I've gotten really close to Jared. He was just hilarious. He was really fun to have around. But I still felt guilty almost everyday.

I ran into the house with Jared chasing me. I had his phone in my hand and I was teasing him about his text messages. I ran to the kitchen and stood behind the island. He ran after me and stood on the other side. I misdirected him and ran to my right.

"Come on Eva!" He whined.

"No way." I replied.

"I can't breathe. Hold on! Break! Break!" He said as he rested his hands on his thighs. I mimicked his pose and paused for a break and before I knew it he tackled me.

"Got ya!" He yelled.

"No!! no!" I laughed squirming around trying to move the phone out of his reach.

"What's going on here?!" Jack asked calmly, getting out of his office.

Jared cleared his throat and helped me up.

"She has my phone." He said awkwardly and I couldn't help but laugh and I handed it to him.

"Finally." He gasped.

"Kids." Jack said and rolled his eyes.

"What are you even saying? I'm just 2 years younger than you." I said and he ignored my comeback.

 "You know I'm actually surprised you didn't come running for your little notebook. You used to be so protective of it." He commented

"Oh sorry! I forgot about it." I admit.

"Well at least you're back to apologizing for no reason." He smiled at me and I returned a weak one.

"I want it though, do you mind getting it for me?" I asked.

"Suree.." He slurred raising an eyebrow at me.

As Jack went back to his office and Jared sighed.

"Phew a lot of tension there. Is it getting really warm in here? Damn this is a hot room!" He joked and I punched his arm.

Joker came back and threw the notebook to me and I caught it. 

"Hey Jared, go let the men know to go ahead without me. I'll follow them in a few minutes." Joker says and Jared heads out the door.

"I'll go get ready." He says turning to his room.

I grabbed my notebook and went back to my room. I sat on the bed and flicked through the notebook trying to find a clean page. As I move through I found the last page I had written and next to it was a page filled with sloppy handwriting and cross out everywhere. I opened the lamp next to me and began reading it.

' I know you really don't want to listen to me but it seems like this is the only way to get you to understand and the only way I can actually say what I want to. I didn't mean what I said and what you've heard. I only told him that to protect you. Just like Pamela said, you have every right not to believe me. Hell you should hate me.. Not that I'm encouraging you to! I just.. it's up to you really! What I'm trying to say is.. I can't stop thinking about you. I mean you're just constantly on my mind the way you talk and your cunning words that get me every time and your smile, god when you laugh! You drive me crazy! well crazier than I already am. What I'm trying to say is I guess I love you and I know you're hurt and you don't have to respond to this. I just had to let you know.     -J '

By the end, the paper was stained  with various tears. I wiped my face and opened the room door and found a bag. I walked outside but no one was in the house. I opened the bag and found a dress and a note.

' Get dressed and go outside. Give me a chance ( P.S you could always slap me later.)  - J '


Alright! Last update for the day!

Hope you guys liked this chapter!

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More updates tomorrow x

Much love xxx


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