Chapter 22

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It takes Nathan a few moments to collect himself, and from the looks of it, Aaron needs a few more. "You're home," Nathan takes the opportunity to try and defuse whatever situation is coming before it gets there. "I didn't think you'd be home... uh... today."

"I am," Aaron says, finally snapping out of whatever panic he'd gotten himself into. "We finished things up and called it done early," he explains. "I thought I'd surprise you."

Nodding, Nathan realizes that Jonathan is still very much in the room. "Dad." Nathan clears his throat. "This is Jonathan."

"I-" Jonathan stutters before restarting. "Hi, Mr. Bone."

"Hi." Aaron's response is quiet, and he sounds just as confused as he looks.

Thankfully, Jennie comes to intervene. She comes darting around the corner with a kitchen towel in one hand and a spatula in the other. "Aaron!" She cheers when she spots her husband. "You're home!" She slows down when she notices the stiff atmosphere in the hall. Glancing between the two boys and her husband, she realizes that he must have seen something they had not intended for him to see. "And you've met Jonathan." Jennie struggles to remain energetic.

"Yes," Aaron says. He turns to his wife and visibly relaxes. "I'm home early, to surprise you," he repeats as if it's the only thing he's sure of.

Nathan's the one who speaks next. "Dad," he says. "I need to talk to you."

There's a few moments of silence. Aaron nods wordlessly, and Jennie intervenes again. "Jonathan, why don't you come and help me in the kitchen? I could use your help."

"Sure," Jonathan says, jumping at the first opportunity to escape the awkward situation. "Uh... nice meeting you, Mr. Bone," he mumbles before scurrying around Nathan and following Jennie to the kitchen.

Aaron clears his throat and gestures to the door on his left. "Let's..."

"Sure," Nathan mumbles.

Aaron turns and opens the door, stepping into his office with Nathan following closely behind him. The door remains open, but Jennie and Jonathan's voices aren't as long in there. For a few quiet moments, father and son stand and watch one another. Both of them are uncertain of what to say, and neither of them wants to start.

It's Nathan that breaks the horrible silence. "Dad, I-" he stops and hesitates. "I'm sorry I..."

"It's okay," Aaron mumbles.

"I didn't want you to find out like this. I wanted to tell you. I was going to tell you." Nathan begins to ramble. Once the words start coming, they don't stop. "I swear that I didn't mean to hide it from you. I was just worried, and it was new, and I didn't know-" He sucks in a deep breath and tries to start over. "I didn't want you to get mad."

Aaron shakes his head and smothers a hand over his mouth. "I'm not... mad," he says. "I just didn't think... It's so..." He sighs. "How long have you been... uh... into... boys?"

Nathan shrugs his shoulder. Suddenly it's hard to look his father in the eyes. "I don't know. Always? I just didn't think about it or realize it?" He shakes his head. "You know I'm not big on dating."

"And Jonathan?"

"Is the first guy I've dated," Nathan confesses. "It's a... I don't know."

"Sure, sure." Aaron nods and looks around in the office. "So, are you... out?"

Nathan quickly shakes his head. "No," he says. "No. Apart from Jonathan and his mother, I guess, the only one who knows is Jennie. Oh, well... and you, of course. That's about all I can stomach at the time."

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