Chapter 25

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The locker room buzzes with anticipation. Half of the team is hyping each other up with pep talks and songs, and the other sits quietly and watches. Nathan watches his teammates get ready. Almost everyone is there.

Oliver leans in and asks, "Where's Josh?"

"I don't know," Nathan admits. "I haven't heard from him since this morning."

"If he doesn't show up before the coach gets here, he's going to be in so much trouble."

Nathan sighs. "Don't you think I know that?" he asks. "I've tried texting him, he's not even looking at my messages. What if something's happened? Maybe we should ask Stephens about it?"

He's barely finished the sentence when the coach walks into the room. "Settle down, guys. I know you're excited, but the game's out there, not in here." He smiles at the team as he looks around to make sure everyone's there.

Just as Nathan's about to explain that one of them is missing, Josh walks in through the door. He's already dressed in the school's colors, and he takes the seat closest to the door.

"You boys are more than ready for this," Stephen says. "If you perform as well as you do during practice, this should be a cakewalk, but don't underestimate the other team. They want to win just as much as you do."

There's a speech prepared that Nathan doesn't listen to. He glances over to Josh - who's staring at the floor - but nothing he does seems to gain Josh's attention. If anything, it looks like Josh is trying really hard to ignore him.

"So go out there and get them! Oh, and have fun too, but remember. This isn't a practice game. This is real. Go kick this season off!"

Nathan gets up along with the rest of the team, which lets out some cheerful whoops before making their way out towards the gym. Oliver glances between Nathan and Josh. "Don't worry, I'll talk to him," Nathan says. "You go on with the rest."

Josh attempts to slip out with the rest, blending into the crowd of players as Nathan tries to reach him.

"Hey," Nathan puts a hand on Josh's shoulder to stop him. "You alright?"

Huffing, Josh shrugs the hand away before taking off into a jog to join the players at the front.

It's unusual for Josh to ignore Nathan. Nathan frowns as he watches his friend dip out of sight, purposely avoiding him. The only time Josh has outright avoided Nathan is when something serious has happened.

Nathan instantly begins to worry. What could have happened that was serious enough to make Josh sulk? On a game day, nonetheless!

They jog a few laps around the court to warm up, the opposing team does the same before respective teams gather on each side of the court to talk with their coaches. Stephens doesn't have much more to say but to wish the boys good luck, and when he pats Nathan on the shoulder, the team splits up to take their positions on the court and bench.

The bleachers are filled with onlookers. They cheer when the players line up, and the referee calls the two team captains up for a quick chat.

Nathan listens carefully after shaking hands with the other captain, but he can't help but glance over the crowd to see if he can spot Jonathan. He smiles when he spots Jonathan seated at the very edge to his left. Jonathan waves at him to let him know that he sees him.

Then the game starts, and Nathan puts up the defense with his team backing him up. Their defense has always been good, but it's in the offense that they shine. They can handle what the other team throws at them, and it doesn't take long for them to snatch the ball for themselves and begin the race across the court.

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