Chapter 17

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Narrator's point of view

Violette walked inside the three broomstick with a sudden urge to have one glass only. Cedric was with her the time she wanted to and planned to company her. Again, he couldn't stop her, the girl was too stubborn and scary for Cedric.

It was only a few drinks anyway and Cedric made sure of it. Both sat on opposite sides of each other while they talk, they could see the snow melting outside but it is still cold.

The two would look like they are having a date but both that isn't true. Violette told Cedric that she was just having a hard time of her mother and decided against on telling him the whole truth. She's already told the trio of her burden, she didn't want to with Cedric especially with the last task that's coming up.

"You really are committed on this one or three glass only." Cedric said amused of his friend's self control for the alcohol.

"I have to be sober eventually. Tomorrow is the last task, Are you ready for it?" Violette asked, sipping the butterbeer in front of her.

"I'll figure it out. It's not like people will he watching my every move since I have to go inside a maze."

Violette nodded and placed the glass back down. "You better be careful, It's dangerous especially since you'll be lost and racing to find a way to the cup."

"Yes I'll be careful." Cedric said smiling. He reached out to his pocket and handed Violette one of his scarf, the yellow and black screamed hufflepuff's colors.

"What's this?" Violette asked taking it from his hand, his perfume could be smell just by her holding it.

"It's a scarf, Obviously." Cedric joked making the girl slap the top of his head lightly in both laughed by the action. "I just felt the need to give this to you." His eyes started to change and Violette knew why.

She shook her head and tried giving it back, "I will not take this— Ced take this back!" She said seriously but the boy refused avoiding the cloth to be given to him. "It's dangerous, yes but nothing will happen to you."

"I just want to be certain. It's better to do this than be sorry." Cedric for once had a serious look on his face, he couldn't just hope for the best that he will be safe and sound once he finished the task.

"Cedric..." Violette warned him but he shook his head, the Black sighed. "If you make this without so much as a scratch on your skin I will kill you myself."

"Just accept it and let's move on." Cedric said and both agreed with a laugh while they continue to talk.

Violette made sure that the scarf was hidden in her trunk under her bed. She will still see Cedric tomorrow and the day after that and so forth, the scarf was unnecessary for her. It's still 7 at night and most of the students are eating in the great hall excluding her who stayed in the dorm.

She grabbed the quill and notebook her mom gave her and opened it while going to the window to sit down. It was filled with many sentences, the two exchanged conversations using that since the moment she opened it.

'Mom, Are you safe?'

She rest the leather cover on her lap while she opened the window by her right. A cold gush of wind entered the room which made her feel comfortable in her place.

'I am, Vi. You don't have to keep checking in on me.'

The girl laughed and continued her writings.

'I just have something to tell you. Uncle Remus went to the Grimaulds place and talked to dad. It was yesterday and I still haven't heard from them yet.'

𝗖𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗼𝘂 ; Hermione Granger ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now