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Listening to the waves always calmed Leanna down. But being in the water helped her more. So, she got her surfboard and swam out into the water, just laying on her board floating.

She was thinking about what would happen when she disappears. Like, does everyone lose any memories of her, or is she just gone? Lost?

Her thoughts were interrupted by another zap. This one wasnt as bad, but it sure hurt a lot.

"There she is!" Leanna heard someone say in the distance.

She looked over to the shore and saw the three boys looking at the water, Reggie pointing his finger towards her.

Leanna panicked so she flipped over on her board and paddled away, catching a huge wave on accident that only brought her close the the shore.

As the wave died down Leanna was infront of the three boys.

"Why'd you run off?" Luke said, pulling the girl into a hug and kissing her head.

"You guys are wasting your time with me. I have no unfinished business to attend to. You guys can save yourselves, you know that right?!" Leanna said looking to the three boys as tears stream down her face.

"Lee. Your not wasting our time. Now come here and give me a hug." Luke said, opening his arms for the girl again.

She hugged Luke again and cried into his shirt. The other two boys joined their hug and the group just stood there.

"Hugs are nice." Alex said, causing everyone to laugh.

"Ok, so now, what should we do?" Reggie asked.

"Well you boys need to find Julie and tel her about this." Leanna said to the boys.

"No.. no we can't do that. She will be heart broken if she loses us too." Luke and Alex said as they looked to Leanna.

"Luke, she will be heart broken if you leave without saying goodbye and not knowing what happened." Leanna said to the boy.

"Ok.. fine.  But I really don't want her mad at us.." Alex said while looking down.

"She won't be mad, maybe for a little bit, but she knows you have no choice." Leanna said.

"You don't either Lee.." Reggie said looking to Leanna.

"Your right, I don't.. wait I'll be back." Leanna said as she poofed away to go somewhere she has been dreading to go.

Leanna stood outside of her childhood home. She saw through the windows her parents and Mille sat at the table, and her best friend Laura bringing a birthday cake over to the center of the table.

Yeah, today was leannas birthday. She would've been turning twenty one, but life had other plans for her.

She walked into the house and sat on the counter, watching as the four human beings held each others hands and blew the candle out.

Leanna always loved how much her family admired Laura. The two girls used to be inseparable, since the third grade actually, when Laura moved to the town.

Tears streamed down leannas face, watching everyone celebrate her birthday.

"What do you think she's been up to..?" Leannas mother asked the group of people.

Millie and Laura smiled at eachother and Laura said "probably shredding those killer waves out there."

"Or rocking it out with some ghost friends of hers." Millie added while wiping the tears out of her eyes.

This only caused Leanna to cry more. Her eyes were a bloodshot red and full of tears.

She wasn't here just because it's her birthday though, although she came back every year for it. She was here to say goodbye. If she zapped away, she wouldn't be able to deal with the fact that she never said goodbye.

"Where do you think she went?" Luke asked the two boys infront of him.

"Studio maybe?" Reggie said.

"No, she knows we'd look there. Does anyone know anywhere else she could be...?" Luke said as he sat in the sand.

Alex looked up to Reggie, then down to Luke and said "maybe she went home?"

Luke nodded and said "it's possible.. but where exactly is her house..?"

The three boys stood there in confusion then poofed around to different houses, finally spotting hers.

How'd they know it was hers? Because Luke spotted the girl sitting in the window an emotional mess.

"There she is.." Luke said in a sadder tone.

"What's with the cake?" Alex asked, genuinely confused.

"Wait.. what's today's date?" Luke asked as he looked to the other two boys.

"September 21st. Why?" Alex said.

"Wait, but today was the day she died.. so why are they celebrating?" Luke paused then realized something as he continued. "She died on her birthday guys.."

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