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While Leanna slept, she kept her door locked like always and her window cracked open for air.

She was woken by a strong breeze coming from the window, so she stood up and closed it, noticing a note on the floor.

Picking it up, she saw the note she wrote to Luke yesterday, but with writing on the back.

I'm not letting you spend the rest of eternity with Caleb so don't even try telling me that your staying. We can figure something out like we always do.
I love you

Leanna frowned at the note and hid it in her desk drawer in her room, then went back to the window.

She started to hear knocking on her door, which was odd considering it was like 4am.

She crept over to the door, looking through the peek hole to see Willie. She quickly let him in and saw him with her another note.

Not even asking, she yanked the note from him and read it.

Luke's gone, we seriously can't find him. I'm scared to write to Lee because she will freak out but please.. keep a lookout.

"They can't find him?!" Leanna said, not too loudly.

"I know. Caleb stopped me from writing back, so could you maybe write to him for me..?" Willie asked.

Leanna nodded and wrote on a note pad the letter to Alex.

You two really lost Luke huh. I leave for not even a week yet and he's gone?! Go try and find him! Willie can't write back so I'm writing this for him but we both miss you guys.. Luke wrote to me last night so he's ok.. but something seems off. Please find him by the time I get back. I'm already stressed enough here.
-Lee and Willie

The note disappeared into the air and Willie smiled. "Ok.. thanks, I'll see you eater right?"

"Yeah, after I'm done preforming then crying, I'm free." Leanna said as she opened the door for Willie.

Once he left, Leanna went back to bed, locking the door like usual.

The next morning, Caleb had the band up and rehearsing at 7:30am for the early shows for today, since the late ones were cancelled.

"Ok my house band! We have another new member, some may know him as the dreamy brunette, others know his as an angry teen, Luke!" Caleb said, making Leanna almost pass out.

Luke appeared next to Leanna and Caleb did an evil smirk. "Now that Luke is here, our band is almost complete! We need two more players, a bassist and a drummer."

Leanna knew where Caleb was going with this. Luckily, she spotted Willie hiding by the corner with wide eyes, him poofing away quickly.

"Everyone take a break for before the show!" Caleb said, the band all going speedster ways.

Luke hugged Leanna tightly as they poofed into her room.

"You idiot Luke! Why would you come here?!" Leanna said to the boy.

"To help you, cmon, let's get out of here." Luke said, Leanna looking at him like he was crazy.

"Luke we can't just leave, he will kill us.. again." Leanna said, Luke looking at her like she was crazy this time.

"Lee I came to help you did he give you another stamp?" He said.

"No, no he didn't.. come on!"

"Ok good, come quick before he notices." Luke said, poofing out to the studio, Leanna following him there.

"Willie!" Alex said as Willie appeared in the studio.

"Luke's at calebs, I saw him!" Willie said, not even saying hi back.

"What?!" Reggie said, getting an even more shocked face when two ghosts poofed into the studio.

"Luke!" The boys said excitedly.

"Leanna!" They said, noticing the shorter brunette.

"What happened? Where've you been?!" Alex said to Luke, standing in front of him.

"I went away, then tried to help Leanna and now we are back, safe again."

"Luke come on.. we could've came!"Reggie said.

"Reggie let's be real. If we all went this could've ended badly." Alex said, looking to Reggie as he nodded his head.

"Yeah that's true. So what exactly happened?" Reggie said.

"So I had to fake to Caleb that I was joining his band. I got past the rehearsals with Lee and we poofed out since none of us had a stamp." Luke said with a smile.

"Yeah and thank god. Caleb can't leave from the ghost club anymore, his boss took control of him and won't let him." Willie said, smiling.

"Wait so we are free from Caleb?" Leanna said with a little bit of hope.

"Yup. No more Caleb. He only has control over who has the stamp, no one new can get it." Willie said.

The four band members cheered and hugged eachother.

"The band is back!" Leanna said with a smile.

"Country album WILL be released after all!" Reggie said, making everyone stop to look at him.

"Ok ok, too soon." He said while everyone laughed.

A/n: ok your going to hate me for ending the book like this since it was horrible. I have nothing else to do with this book and I just can't think of anything. BUT, I will release the new book for you guys because I don't want you to get bored without any updates and stuff.
It is also a Luke fan fix btw, and it's MUCH better than this.
Keep an a eye out of it 🤍

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