Chapter 34: Karaoke Night

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My stats lecture is done and I can finally relax. Luka is on my side packing up his books as Jess's name starts flashing on my caller id. I click on "answer" and her voice streams out.

"I got bad news," she says.

"Uh-oh, what happened?" I ask putting my hand over my other ear to hear her closely.

"So Jared finally found a karaoke night at the local comedy club tonight," she tells me with a groan.

I smirk. "Oh my gosh, he did? That's great, I bet he is beyond ecstatic," I reply.

"I don't think you understood the bad news part of the sentence when I said karaoke night," she retorts and I laugh ignoring her irritation. "Well since you think this is so funny, I am forcing you to suffer with me and go."

Luka stares at me, raising an eyebrow. I quickly whisper to him "Jared karaoke night" hoping he understands and put the phone back to my ear.

"Alright," I say mildly rolling my eyes. "But I am not singing."

"Neither am I. We can be totally lame together," she answers back jokily.

"Sounds like a plan," I say with a giggle. We hang up and Lukas starts to walk to his class.

"See you later!" I wave and then stop to grab a sandwich from the campus deli. I get a text from Ray offering to pick both me and Becky up on the way for tonight. In the meantime, I cram in some reading at my dorm.

Later in the evening, Ray shows up at our door knocking. Becky is oddly silent, sitting on the bed unmoving.

Slightly bewildered at her behavior, I walk over and swing the door open.

"Hey girlie!" Ray says and then turns towards Becky appearing more somber, "Hey Becks." Becky nods her head and I can feel the growing tension between the two.

"Let's go Emma," Becky tells me standing up and walks ahead. I awkwardly pick up my shoulder bag and slowly follow them both out.

I glance between the two of them and then clear my throat. "So, karaoke? I am surprised Jared found a place."

"Of course he did. I bet he bribed the owner or something," Ray responds in jest. I attempt a smile and glance at Becky who avoids eye contact with us both. Completely confused at whatever is happening, I climb into the backseat keeping my mouth shut. The car ride is filled with rap music and more awkward silence as I twiddle my thumbs and try not to think about not having pizza night with Bash.

Once we arrive, I all but run over to everyone else in the ambient-lit room. I catch Jared already on stage talking to the DJ waving his hands enthusiastically. Jess is on a velvet couch happily chatting with Luka and a girl who looks somewhat familiar.

"Hi, I am Vanessa," the short girl offers a smile as I approach giving me a small wave.

"Emma, hi" I reply waving back and sit onto Jess's side.

Vanessa, as in the girl Luka is dating, seems super sweet. She's very pretty as well, the led lights in the room amplifying her heart-shaped face. She just is about to ask me about my classes before Jared's voice starts echoing through the microphone.

"Once upon a time not so long ago..." His deep voice starts belting out to Living on a Prayer by Bon Jovi. He is surprisingly not bad and the rest of us cheer with him. When he finishes he hops down from the stage meandering back towards our group. Loading up on some appetizers, Jamie and Jeremy arrive.

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