Chapter 42: I'll Bite You Too

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"This is the Eisenhower Wing A, the emergency room."

Dr. Hang has been guiding us throughout the hospital in a quick tour. He has been throwing so much information I wanted to whip out my pocket notebook and take notes, but I thought I make look a little odd so I internally voted against it.

I go to readjust my collar and smooth down my shirt. I am currently dolled up in a navy pantsuit and my chocolate hair is set back in a sleek ponytail. On my side, Luka is sporting slacks, a blazer, and a white button-down. We are dressed to impress and I seriously hope it comes off that way because I feel I am about to vomit all over the floor from nerves. My hands are shaking and I keep having to stuff them in my pockets. I have only ever been on one interview before and that was for my library job. They asked me what my name and availability was and then I was hired. Simple as that. This isn't technically an interview, but it definitely can make or break my candidacy.

"If you get the position, you'll be working closely with the nurses and some of the rotational medical students. Right now the third year students are in the psychiatric ward and pediatrics."

I nod my head enthusiastically. I have researched the different rotations I would experience in medical school and I am most excited for internal medicine.

"Oh look! Here is Abby, she is the top of the class. Go introduce yourself while I go to brief with my colleague." I blink at Dr. Hang as he quickly turns away and then towards the girl Abby. She has a stethoscope wrapped around her throat and a clipboard in hand smoothly jotting down notes. Luka is already walking in her direction and she glances up and they both smile shaking hands. I approach hesitantly as they both emerge deep in conversation.

"Um hi!" I squeak.

"Oh, hi!" She says briefly noticing me. "I am Abby Roset. Dr. Hang is great isn't he?"

I nod my head and she smiles but her attention turns back to Luka. He is animatedly speaking about "how awesome this place is," and "how much fun it would be here to work"

I listen to the two of them uneasily. I am just about to attempt to finally speak when Dr. Hang appears behind us all completely spooking me. I almost jump straight into the air, but both Abby and Luka keep talking not startled at all.

"Thanks for talking to them Abby. I am sure you had a lot of great things to say. I hope the introductions went well. Maybe you can let me know more later to add it in their portfolios."

'Great' I think. She probably going to say Luka was charming and nice and I was the awkward girl there gaping her mouth like a fish.

"Let's continue," Dr. Hang informs us and starts to walk ahead of us pointing out more rooms and machines.

In the beginning, the director Dr. Williams, and Dr. Hang singlehandedly escorted us from the lobby and then to the staff lockers to put our belongings. They were both thrilled to hear about my father and how his practice was going. I nodded and plastered a smile on my face noting how this whole experience was becoming more and more intimidating and nerve-wracking. Not only do I have to live up to my dad's reputation, but I have never wanted to work in the busy environment of a hospital. However, it's a requirement for medical school so I might as well get used to it now.

"Would you like to meet some patients?" Dr. Hang questions us.

I close-lip smile and Lukas eagerly agrees. Dr. Hang brings us to a single patient room. An older lady with graying hair is laying in the bed flicking through channels with a half-empty jello in her lap. She screams, "Stupid buffoon!" at the television and throws the remote on the floor it clanking heavily as the batteries fall out.

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