Chapter 2

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Next morning

Nika's pov

I woke up from valt's room (since he left ı moved to his room)and ı went toilet to brush my teeth. When ı get out of my room ı saw mom cooking breakfast she said

‐good morning nika

‐good morning mom,how are you doing?

‐ı am fine.You?

‐ı am fine too.

‐hey nika . Breakfast is ready. Get dressed and come here


I went to kitchen as soon as ı get dressed and go to the table. I eat my breakfast and go to school

‐See you later mom

‐See you later too

And she went to school

Chiharu thought in her head

Should ı tell her about the suprise.ı think that ı shouldnt.ı dont want to mess up the suprise

While nika goes to school he saw his friend max

‐Hey max. Good morning

‐Good morning nika. I am going to ask you something

‐Yeah sure go ahead.

‐you remember silver oak academy

‐yeah. Our biggest rivals.why?

‐She wants to make a deal

‐What kind of deal

‐He wants gae of the b.b. for money

‐Why? I mean can they replicate it

‐They cant. They need a recipe.And they giving a lot of money. Can you go to the deal

‐I dont know. I can go there if ı dont have any plans

‐please. Could you go to the deal


‐thank you nika. I owe you one

‐no problem

When they are talking aiga comes

‐Hey nika

‐I think that this is your friend

‐yeah. See you later.


‐hey aiga. How are you doing.

‐I am fine. You?

‐I am fine.

‐I am going to ask you something

‐yeah sure go ahead.

‐You are acting different lately.Can ı ask you why?

‐I am not acting different.

Aiga raised an eyebow

‐Am ı acting different

‐yeah. Very different

‐Can we talk about this later. Becouse class is going to start in a few minute

‐okay. İf you say so

‐thank you aiga.lets go to class

At break

Aiga's pov

I am at break And ı wanna see my old friends.when ı talk ı saw koji,hayao and kimeru. I yelled at them
‐hey guys!!

Aiga x NikaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum