Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

We Facetimed Noelle while we ate lunch. Or brunch as the restaurant's name suggests.

"Look at what you're missing," I said jokingly, grabbing another bite of the sandwich.

She pouted. "Awe, I miss you, Laure. I miss New York."

"And New York misses you," Hailey interjected.

"Oh, hi, Hailey! How's Josh?"

"Why do people follow up How's Josh whenever they see me? Can't it just be the normal How are you?"

Noelle laughed, "It's because it's obvious you're doing great."

"Hey, Noelle, where's Xan? Show her." I demanded.

The camera moved to Xanthippe eating animal crackers.

"Hey, Xan! It's Aunt Lauren."

"Hello, Auntie Lauren!" her little voice cooed then she spun around in her pink tutus.

"Oh, we have a cute little ballerina in the family." She grinned widely as she held the animal crackers tightly in her hands. "You should've just come here with her Noelle!" I said, exasperated.

Noelle scoffed, the camera still on my niece. "Yeah and good luck with me running after a toddler in New York City."

I laughed, "That's true though. Don't worry, Xan, Auntie Lauren's gonna be over for Thanksgiving."

"Yay!" she threw the animal crackers like confetti.

"Yikes. Sorry, Noelle."

She flipped the camera back to her, "Yeah, you should be here to clean up after this."

"Ha, no, thank you. I've already done a lifetime of cleaning for you with every sleepover at Lola's and Grandad's."

Lola laughed, "Yes, I remember that. You and Charlie always had Lauren clean up after you."

"Well, in my and Charlie's defense, Lauren voluntarily did all that. I remember she was like 7 or 8, you know, the stage where kids are helpful until they suddenly stop?"

"Oh, yes, I remember being on that stage, but I left. Unlike Lauren, who continued the neat-freak show." Hailey sipped her soda.

"Alright, don't gang up on me." I laughed.

Noelle's eyes widened, "Oh my God..." her voice low, trailing to a singsong. "I gotta go now," she faced the camera, "I'm sorry I didn't come to New York with Lola because you know..." I nodded. "Lola, I'll see you when you come home, please get me one of those bagels. Take care, you guys. I love you."

"Awe, I love you too, Noelle," Lola said.

"What she said."

Noelle shook her head, "Alright, I'll see you at Thanksgiving, Laure."

I smiled, "Okay."

"Xan, don't climb that!" she shouted then the call dropped.

I exhaled deeply placing my phone on the table.

"Wow, kids, huh," Hailey said.

"Hailey, I'm pretty sure you'll be the first one, between the two of us, to have a kid. I'll be the Godmother, though."

"Yeah, well, your probability doesn't say anything."

Lola laughed, "You girls, it doesn't matter. Children are blessings. When I was your age, I already have your Mom and your Uncle. It was tough but they were the best thing that's happened to me."

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