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BY THE TIME ELISSA ducked into her tent and collapsed onto the parachute covered pile of leaves she called a bed, she was beyond exhausted

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BY THE TIME ELISSA ducked into her tent and collapsed onto the parachute covered pile of leaves she called a bed, she was beyond exhausted. Unable to bring herself to kick off her boots, she decided she may as well just sleep with them on—would only have to put them on tomorrow anyways.

When Elissa heard a distant snore from Harper's tent next to her, she felt an amused smile tug at her lips, before she leaned up to look over at the corner that Charlotte normally took residence. But as her eyes adjusted to the dark, she realized that she was the only person in the tent. Charlotte was gone.

Leaning up onto her elbows, Elissa stared into the darkness in disbelief and wanted to groan out in frustration. Why couldn't that girl just stay where she's supposed to?

For a second, Elissa debated getting up and looking for her, but quickly pushed the thought to the side, too exhausted to move.

She probably decided to sleep in Harper's tent for the night—must be who's snoring.

Elissa noted that Charlotte had been acting strange from the moment they arrived back in camp.

It's been a stressful day. She probably just needs some space to sort everything out. When she's ready to talk, she'll come let me know, Elissa told herself.

With that final thought of reassurance, Elissa nodded to herself and dropped back onto the ground.

Maybe Wells is right—maybe tomorrow will be better.

◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

Elissa woke with a start, unsure if the chills that ran through her body or the terrified scream that pierced the air had snapped her awake. Whatever the cause, her heart pounded between her ears. Things were clearly not going to get better anytime soon.

Hairs stood on end and she was up on her feet before she was fully awake, handle on her blade clutched tightly in her hand. The blade was raised defensively in front of her as her mind still sluggishly tried to process what might be going on outside the tent. The scream didn't sound too far.

Eyes briefly darted around the tent and Charlotte was still nowhere in sight.


A surge of adrenaline followed quickly by a spike of worry and frustration wiped any tiredness that might have remained in her body. She was wide awake, and her mind raced.

Are we under attack? Who screamed?

In the wake of the ear-piercing scream, the camps early morning silence exploded into chaos. People began to scramble and rush out of their tents; questions were fired across the camp as they tried to figure out what happened. Elissa realized she could hear Bellamy distantly shouting, demanding to know what happened.

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