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Stella finished slipping on the smooth fabric. With a light heart, she finally released the breath she'd been holding. The tight, blood red dress clung to her every curve and accentuated the thickness of her backside. Call her vain if you'd like, but she knew her ass was popping.

Three months of intense bubble butt exercises had definitely worked out.

Thank you, Pinterest.

Observing herself in the mirror, Stella smiled as she took out the heated curlers. Black waves of softness fell above the swell of her breasts. She tussled them gently to give them a more relaxed look and admired her finished look.

She was gorgeous.

And, she knew it too.

Draping the white shawl around her elbows, she admired herself from different angles. It was perfect. Tight enough to tease Jin during the dinner and definitely a little more afterwards. But, just covered enough to where her dad wouldn't feel the need to avert his eyes every two seconds.

Stella chuckled at the thought of her father.

He was always such a kind man. Always quiet and soft spoken. Lee Wu was the father her sperm donor could only dream of being. Stella was lucky like that to have had the privilege of having such a loving father as the one she'd been gifted.

He'd always done his best to keep up with all the correct terminology. Sure, he'd called her Samu a few times. Used the wrong pronouns on more than one occasion. But, Stella couldn't be angry nor could she be upset. Because, the truth was, he was doing his best to keep everything straight. Her dad had always tried his hardest to address her in the way she wanted to be called.

She loved him for that. His persistence was one trait of his that could never go without praise.

It took a while, but he got the hang of it. After some time, he didn't have to think twice about calling Stella by her name or telling people he had a daughter.

Stella grinned as she adjusted the large hoop earrings.

It had been quite the process of finding who she truly was. It had taken an even longer process for her parents to come to terms with their new reality. Their new family dynamic.

Even so, Stella didn't rush things. Nor did she have any high expectations.

It would've been unfair of her to hope for her parents to flip the switch on how they saw her immediately. It would've been unfair of her to expect her parents to get on with everything so quickly. It would've been unfair of her to ask them to forget Samuel like he never existed.

It would've been unfair of Stella to not take her parents own feelings into consideration.

It was for those reasons that she was glad to have been reasonable. She was even happier to have been patient. Both had paid off in the long run and she was proud to be where she was.

With thirty minutes left and the heavy scent of bibimbap in the air, she penned her "last" letters to Kai.


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