5. Stefanos Tsitsipas: the little things

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Off the court, Stef is calm and pretty reserved in nature, so he isn't one for big professions of love

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Off the court, Stef is calm and pretty reserved in nature, so he isn't one for big professions of love. But he is very attentive and he's always observing you, even when you think he isn't. Or when you say the smallest things in passing, he remembers it all.

He's always showing you how much he cares about you. He isn't one to spend tons of money on you (in the beginning at least) but as your relationship gets a bit more serious, he's always doing small things for you. And it never fails to make you smile. 

The first time it was something as simple as remembering your coffee order, whether it is so complicated he had to write it down or if it's just plain black coffee, he remembers how you like it. 

Then it's a little bit more intricate every time after that. Stefanos brings you your choice of medicine and comfort food when you're sick. When he can't do that, he facetimes with you whenever possible, always checking on how you feel before anything else. 

He keeps your favourite snacks at his apartment that he personally never touches but always keeps fully stocked for you. He leaves you little notes of encouragement (and of course, Stef's on brand philosophical quotes) in your textbooks or planner that you occasionally come across which always make you smile.

Stef also gives you flowers - but it's never for anniversaries, birthdays, or big events but it's always at the most random times and for no reason at all. It's almost like he reads your mind because he seems to always know when you need them most. 

Stef also leaves his clothes purposefully behind in places you don't expect tucked away - places like your closet or under your sheets so you can find them when he's away. When you miss him during the season, you wear his hoodies. They pretty much reach your mid thigh because of his height, but nonetheless, they're the most comfiest things you could wear. 

He also definitely has a playlist with songs just for you that he has spent so long curating and eventually he shares with you. When the relationship gets more serious and you've become accustomed to the little things he does, he'll start getting you bigger things. Like maybe a sweater you've been wanting for a while, or a new necklace you've had your eye on. Sometimes Stef will even go as far as to buy you a plane ticket to visit him when he's back home or on tour. During the off season, he takes you on bigger trips for vacation. 

However, your relationship is definitely not one sided - it's the perfect ratio of give and take. He shows you affection, and you do the same. Every morning, when Stef isn't by your side, you send him texts - little things, like an inspirational quote, or a picture of the two of you being goofy together.  

Sometimes Stef stays at your house during a little break mid season. He loves the way you grocery shop for him while you do yours and somehow you know everything he'll need in his pantry or fridge. 

Whenever you come across something that reminds you of him (a meme or tiktok or literally anything) you will send it to him. Sometimes he doesn't get it and it's the cutest thing ever, because you'll have to explain it to him while you're trying not to burst out laughing at how clueless Stef can be. 

Though he loves giving gifts, absolutely hates when you get him gifts that cost more than 20 dollars because, in his words, he doesn't want you to waste your money on him. But you disagree with him and do it anyways. 

The little things you do kill him: the scrunchie you gave him (which he keeps in his racket bag for every match - he calls it his good luck charm), how you'll make him his favourite dinner after a match, the way you show up at Stef's matches unexpectedly, and he loves the way you'll plan spontaneous road trips and randomly pick him up and drag him along when he's feeling particularly stressed or down. 

But the best gift of all that you could give him is yourself. 


comment a player you want me to write for! also thank you so much for reading :)



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