Death Certificate

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"My uncle's getting us the permit, didn't I tell you guys?" Leila looked around the others, watching their blank expressions.

Rafay shrugged as he kicked at a pebble on the ground. "No."

Ma'az cocked his head. "I can't recall that ever happening, no."

"Well he is." Leila said, sounding doubtful. "Though I'm sure I did tell, you must not be listening."

"None of us?" Sasha scoffed, stretching her hand to wet it from the fountain as she was perched on it's edge, careful not to trip over it.

"You could have actually told us before, Leila. I would have been spared from all the beating around I've been doing for the passes." Bilal scowled as he propped his elbow on Hadi's lap who was sitting behind him on the fountain ledge.

"Oh poor baby." Ma'az snorted and earned a kick from Bilal who was up at the bench beside Leila.

"What is the problem with you, dick?" He growled.

"I'll kick you straight into your crotch, I swear if you say another word." Glowering at Ma'az Bilal snarled.

Hadi let loose a soft laugh as he averted his gaze from his gaze and looking around the garden he spotted Mirha in a distance standing on the cobbled path that led to the front gates, hand resting on a suitcase by her side, eyes roaming around the campus, as if looking for someone.

"I'll be right back." Hadi found himself saying as he jumped to his feet.

"What-?" Bilal began but Hadi was already walking away.


Even though she'd already bid him goodbye, Mirha wanted to know if he was free and out here if only she could talk to him about the paper and not anybody else, before she left for the holidays without discussing the exam with anyone.

Turning around on her heels to look on the other side of the path, her eyes found Hadi coming in her direction, hands shoved down in his pockets. Her mood instantly brightened and a grin split up her mouth. Half raising her hand she waved at Hadi, who smiled back no matter how faintly so.

"Were you with your friends?" Mirha asked once he reached her.

"Yeah." He shrugged. "Never mind though."

Tucking a strand that came undone behind her ear under the scarf, Mirha said sheepishly. "I was looking for you."

"I know." With the corners of his lips slightly curling up, Hadi peered down at Mirha who only came up to his shoulders. "So," he said after a pause, slipping a hand into the pocket, "how was the exam?"

Mirha bit down on her lip and gazed timidly at him. "I'm sorry."

His eyebrows arched up. "It wasn't good?"

"It was!"


"I was pretty confident about this problem regarding optimization, but someone told me I got the answer wrong. It held fifteen marks, Hadi."

"I see." He said looking away, his jaw clenched. Mirha feared she had disappointed him.

"I'm sorry." She said and added quietly, as if she knew it didn't really matter. "The rest went good."

"Did you recheck?"

"After doing it, twice, yes." Mirha nodded.

With a shake of his head, Hadi said. "I meant with the person who told you yours was wrong."


He scoffed. "And you accepted that it must be true just because the person said so?"

Mirha simply blinked.

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