I saw you!

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The common room was taken by the seniors, after ushering the others out of the premises. Mirha was there too, Hadi had noticed immediately, as the sophomores and a few freshmen, collecting their things filed out, but she didn't seem to be aware of his presence. This only caused frustration for he was beginning to notice even the smallest of things, things he had never paid any heed to before. Annoyed at the fact that Mirha didn't see him even though he was in the same freaking room, and the fact that he had, Hadi told himself he didn't care any less, as if it needed frequent reminding.

When everybody finally settled down, a guy dumped all the snacks and drinks on the centre table from some duffel bags, which was followed by an incessant discussion about the viva they'd just gotten done with. It was the final module, a mere month left of the four years long period of their university lives. It was finally coming to an end.

The hostelites, having spent more time with the people they'd found in this place as friends in the rooms and corridors of this very institute, that they resented with passion, than the others who came only to attend classes, needed a break to come to terms with this sudden and yet gradual and imminent change about to happen in their lives.

Hadi had lived his freshman year in the hostel, his family being in Quetta where he'd spent his life up till then, his father already arranging his business to a settlement in the capital. The city of his forefathers was deprived from basic resources: electricity, gas, advanced education, and Hadi's father - a man with a vision - set out to inaugurate solar panels, planting them to be accessible for public and not confined to only the rich.

When his years of hard work finally paid and he stood with a flourishing merchandise and transactions with the government for the arrangement of the equipment, he appointed a supervisor for the branch in the city and moved to the capital for further promotion in the government sector, and in the hope of striking a deal with the private traders.

Hadi moved out of the hostel at the end of the year but his friends remained the same; Rafay and Leila. Sasha spent most of the time with Leila, sometimes staying over in her room, and on weekends went with Hadi. Bilal, on the other hand, despite having his family in the same city lived with the others, simply for the fun of it.  Ma'az was the only outsider, but he had tagged along enough to be familiar with all the twenty five students who resided in the rooms.

Now as they lounged in the common room and the sun descended outside the glass window, creating a mosaic of orange and black, red and yellow, students exiting the campus, heading home, the hostelite seniors after discussing the viva, sat discussing the fresh gossips from the other departments,  future plans, and the past that had all but long gone.

"Let's play never have I ever, yeah?" Maya, a dyed blond, with curly long hair, perked up, stretching her legs as she leaned back on the wall, crossing one ankle over the other.

A few groans issued and the rest remained silent.

"Come on, what are you, a girl?" Ma'az made a sour face as he took a swig of the mineral water.

Maya raised her perfectly made brow. "Excuse me?" She said, "That's offensive, dude."

He raised his hands up in surrender and grinned as he put the bottle down. "My bad, sorry, of course you are a girl."

"No seriously, let's go with it. Sarim, a bespectacled broad shouldered guy, with close cropped hair interjected, looking around at the rest, "It's time we squeeze all the secrets out to savor them when we're gone. I'm going to remember this Amjad here, by the sex he had all over the place."

Taken by surprise, Amjad started. "Fuck man, you weren't supposed to-"

Sarim cut him off, not being the least bit affected by his protests. "You guys wouldn't know, when he came back after the year break, the sophomore he shared his room with was like 'Hey, I had sex here and here and here," Sarim faked his voice and pointed around the room and laughed, "Amjad was so disgusted he literally made sure the room was scrubbed clean. The guy sleeps in horror now, probably sick with the image in his mind. Honestly though, Amjad it's time you have a girl of your own in there, or I won't stop scandalizing you."

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