Chapter 13

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The next day the gang decided to have a sleepover at Hugo's castle to figure out what to do next.

Axel came in and asked, "What so let's get this straight Sofia is under a love potion and her new annoying boyfriend put in her drink during lunch one day." "They immediately become boyfriend and girlfriend but Sofia when she's with Hugo she feels more a connection towards him than her boyfriend and Hugo is the only one who can break the potion she's under with true love's kiss." "Am I correct?"

Everyone nodded hearing this made Hugo's parents come into his room and asked him the same question and everyone nodded once again. Queen Samira and King Garrick decided to help their son and Axel decided to help also.  Everyone was thinking then all of a sudden King Garrick suggested, "How about we throw a ball?" "And Sofia and Hugo to be the guest of honour?" Queen Samira said, "That's a good idea but what if it doesn't work." "Or will it work?" "What do you think Hugo?" Hugo thought for a few moments and said, "You know that might just work but instead me and Sofia get having the first dance or waltz we'll have the last waltz before the night has ended." Hildegard asked, "Yes that might work but how are you going to stay near her when she's at the ball." "She's most likely to be dragged away from her new boyfriend." Derek said, "Then how about we don't invite Elliot so Sofia will be stuck to hang out with her best friend during the ball." Clio said, "But doesn't that seem a bit rude I get we need to get Sofia back but not inviting him is still quite rude." "We'll need to come up with an excuse why Elliot isn't going." Everyone nodded and thought for a few minutes, until  Jun suggested, "How about we say we lost invitation by accident." Jin asked, "Yes that's a great idea but we'll need to come up with an accident."
Queen Samira said, "About we say that the royal messager fell while going to other royal's kingdoms and on the way he lost Elliot's invitation."

Hugo praised, "Wow Mum that's a great idea." "So that's the plan but how long until the actual ball?"
King Garrick said, "How about a week from today?" Everyone agreed, King Garrick said, "Splendid we'll send out invitations tomorrow night." Axel reassured, "Don't worry baby Bro you will get Sofia back soon." Hugo sighed, "I know it's just hard to know when we're together we're not actually 'together' but I guess I shouldn't worry that much anyway in a week everything will come back to normal." "Good night."
The gang whispered, "Good night." Axel, Queen Samira and King Garrick went to sleep peacefully.

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