Day Twenty

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*~*~* Cate *~*~*

It’s gym day again.

Like seriously- who thought that gym class was a really good idea? Probably people who never actually had to do gym class but liked to see other people suffer through it. Mrs. Greene was one of those people. I’m almost certain this woman is a sadist and her only mission in life is to torture me.

I change into my gym clothes and tie my hair up away from my face. I don’t have many girlfriends other than Georgie but I get along well enough with Lucie Alexander that when it came to lining up in the gym, she and I stood together and whined when Mrs. Greene announced what we’ll be doing today.

Neither Lucie nor I are athletic. We’re fit and we’re healthy but competitive sport just isn’t for us. Lucie is more of a rock climbing and cycling type of girl whereas I’m more at home in a pool or doing Pilates. Hearing that we’ll be participating in a sport called Spoke Wheel was terrifying, especially as the teacher barked out the instructions.

There would be four teams with seven members to each team. We’d line up at north, south, east and west and wait for the whistle. At the start the first person in line would run around the large circle, zig zag up their team’s line, zig zag back down the line and tap whoever was at the front. Then you’d keep going until everyone in your team had run. Once we were out of runners, the team sits. The first team to sit, wins.

Sounds like a stupid game.

“Well, at least it sounds safe,” Lucie tries to cheer me up unsuccessfully. “What are the chances of you getting injured playing this?”

The girl obviously didn’t know me all that well.

“Some days I can’t even walk the hallway without tripping up, Luce,” I tell her in a whisper. Mrs. Greene had just selected the captains for the teams, and I involuntarily groan. “I do not like my chances.”

Stood in front of the class were Chris Theoris, Landon Harries, Chloe Milward and Jodi Phelps. Chris currently hates me and likes to make math lessons as miserable as possible for me. Landon practically single-handedly put me in the nurse’s office the last time we had gym class. Chloe Milward was a raging bitch with an attitude problem as well as being the school’s biggest… I don’t want to say ‘slut’ because that goes against the sisterhood, but Chloe slept around a lot. And Jodi was the track superstar that was going to represent Team USA at the Olympics one day. She was ridiculously intimidating and a little bossy, too.

“Ok, ladies choice first,” Mrs. Greene smiled at Jodi. After Jodi and Chloe had chosen their picks, Mrs. Greene turns to Landon, who for some reason chose me. Mrs. Greene pales and looks at me. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, do you, Mr. Harries?”

“What if I promise not to use her as body armor this time?” Landon grins to the teacher.

“I’ll take Cate,” Chris chimes in with a sinister smile on his face.

At hearing my options, I quickly walk towards Landon and place myself behind him, almost as if I’m hiding. I guess in a way I was hiding. I didn’t want to be within ten years of Chris unless it was absolutely necessary, so being on Landon’s team worked for me, even if there was the huge possibility that my captain would sacrifice me to save himself.

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