Meeting Momma

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Edwards POV 

Today CC was waking up and Nessie was super excited to see her. 

Nessie looked 3 months old. She had Bella's brown hair and brown eyes. I was visiting CC every hour. She was still so small and still in the incubator. 

Right now I was sitting at the table while Nessie had her bottle of blood. 

Daddy when is CC waking up

I heard Nessie's thought's in my head. "Soon baby, Grandpa is up there with her right now". I told her rubbing her head.

Then Carlisle came running at vampire speed down the stairs. "She is up Edward". He told me and I gave him Nessie and ran up to his office. 

I went over to the incubator and peered inside of it. CC was sort of awake. She was moving around and making a weird whining noise. I opened it up and picked up my fragile daughter. 

She was way smaller and way lighter than Ness. "Hi there little one I'm your dad". I whispered to her. Then I looked inside her mind. 

Daddy was holding me I am so happy. If only I could see him. Oh he can read minds . Daddy if you are listing, Where is Mommy and Ness? Are they okay? 

I smiled at my little daughter's thought's. "Yes baby I can read minds, Mommy is still asleep and Ness is downstairs waiting to see you". I told her. She began squirming so I put her on the tiny bed next to her. 

She crawled around on it. Which was an amazing thing for a little baby that had her eyes closed. After exploring for about a minute she began to feel around her with her tiny hands. 

She cried out and I picked her up again and her crying stopped and she nuzzled closer to me. 

"Want to meet your sister"? I asked her. Then looked into her head again. 

Yes, please, please, please, PLEASE. I am finally meeting my sister. 

Daddy is so warm and comforting. 

  I chuckled at her last thought and walked downstairs with her. 

Nessie's eyes lit up when she saw me walk into the living room. I walked over to her and she peered into my arms. She patted her sister's face gentilly. I smiled at the two and kissed both of their heads. Then I handed CC to Jasper and took Nessie from Rosalie. 

Jasper handled her well and see whined only when she was moved from my arms. 


When I woke up I could not see anything. It was warm where I was just a bit warmer than inside of mommy. I hope Mommy was okay, I could not bare it if something happened to her because of me and Ness. 

Then I started moving my tiny limbs around and made crying noises attempting to get someone's attention. 

Then I was slipped out of my incubator and into someone's arms. They were very warm but kind of cold to. Then a voice started speaking, it was not the voice I heard everyday, but the person felt similar.  

"Hi there little one I am your dad". The voice said I was so excited. 

I was so happy daddy was holding me. Wait he can read minds. Daddy is you are listing, Where is Mommy and Ness? Are they okay? 

I asked him through my mind. 

"Yes baby I can read minds, mommy is still asleep and Nessie is waiting downstairs to see you". He told me before putting me on a soft surface. I explored I for a minute but I wanted daddy so I cried out for him. 

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