More Imprinting

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Ness' POV 

Jacob, Seth and Leah walked in just before mommy and daddy left. 

After they left the werewolves walked in and Jacob immediately came over and took me out of Aunt Rose's arms. 

I giggled at him and Aunt Rose scowled. 

Leah picked up CC and cradled her in her arms. 

I saw Seth look at my sister and CC looked around Leah, locking eyes with Seth. 

I think Seth is imprinting on CC. I knew it was not painfull because Jacob had done it with me. Plus Seth was a good guy. He would hopefully love CC like Jacob did me. 

Seth POV 

Jacob went over to Nessie and picked her up making Rose scowl. 

I meanwhile was more interested with her sister Cc who now had open eyes. She is so brave and strong. 

I locked eyes with her. Oh shoot. 

"It's like gravity your whole center shifts and suddenly it's not the Earth holding you here. You would do anything be anything she needs, a friend , a brother, a protector".   

I fell to my knees and everyone looked at me then at a smiling CC. 

Oh my god. I just imprinted on Cecilia Alice Cullen. Hopefully Bella and Edward let me live. 

"Oh great another mutt imprinted on one of my nieces". Rose grumbled and glared  at me. "Bella is not going to be happy with you". Emmett told me. 

"Have fun my friend". Jacob told me giving me a sympathetic look. I knew how nasty Bella could turn. Edward would not mind that much unless I hurt her in any way, which I would not ever do. 

I whimpered and Leah handed me my imprint. I held her sturdily in my arms. 

I looked at her brown eyes and caramel colored hair. She was so beautiful. I kissed her forehead gentilly. "Hi there CC I'm Seth, you've met me before once". I told her and she giggled and sneezed once, giggling after at herself. 

Then the Cullen's and us watched our favorite TV show, America's funniest home video's. Rose sent some glares at Jacob and I. 

I was holding CC and Jacob was holding Nessie. They ended up falling asleep in our arms. I felt CC snuggle closer to my stomach and smiled.  



Yesterday was really fun. I really like Seth I don't know why I just really like him. 

I woke up in daddy's old room and Ness next to me. I liked his old room cause it smelled like him which comforted me. 

Ness woke up beside me and we snuggled closer to each other. She grew more I think.  Then Grandpa came into the room and scooped Ness and I up one on each arm. 

He took us to his office and measured us and wrote things down on a piece of paper. 

Then I heard the door open and close. Maybe it is mommy and daddy.

I squealed excitedly and mommy and daddy came into the room. "Hi there little ones". Daddy said and picked up Ness and mommy picked up me. 

"Wow Nessie grew more". Daddy said looking at Nessie. "Yeah, by two inches". Grandpa told them. 

"Oh and Seth wants to talk to you guys downstairs". Grandpa told my parents. They looked at each other then headed downstairs. 

We came into the living room where Seth was. I giggled but was handed to Grandma instead and Rose was given Nessie. They led us into the kitchen and feed us our blood and   milk. WE both heard sounds coming from the living room. 

Edwards POV 

Esme and Rose just took my little girls into the kitchen and Seth was looking guilty in front of Bella and I. 

"Bella, Edward I am sorry but I might have imprinted on CC". He told us looking a little scared. I was not that mad to be honest. If CC ever complains about him I will not hesitate to murder his ass. 

Bella looked a bit mad. She walked up to Seth and grabbed the back off his hair just like she did with Jacob. She pinned him against the wall. "If you ever hurt my youngest daughter because of this you will die at my hands". She snarled at him and I nodded in agreement. 

She let him drop to the floor. Then she and I walked to the kitchen. 

"Hi my sweet baby's". Bella said grabbing Nessie from Rose and kissing her and CC's cheek while I took CC from Esme. "Hi there CC, if old Seth ever hurts you in any way tell daddy or mommy and we will take came of it for ya". I told her nuzzling her cheek making her giggle and play with my fingers. 


Daddy and mommy toke sissy and I back to the living room. 

Jacob was helping Seth up from the floor. I whined and held my arms out for Seth. he walked over and looked at daddy for permission before taking me into his arms. 

He always made me giggle. Right now he was sticking his tounge out at Rose for saying he was a stupid fur ball.   

"So Bella and Edward did you guys break the bed yet"? Uncle Emmett asked mommy and daddy with a grin plastered on his face. 

"Very funny Emmett". Mommy retorted and Emmett chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Don't mess with her Emmett she is the strongest one in this house". Daddy told him. 

"Yeah right she couldn't beat me in a arm resell". he retorted back to daddy. I hope she beats him. 

They went out to a big rock in the  front yard and mommy beat Uncle Emmett. The rock broke into little tiny piece's when she beat him. 

After they were done celebrating daddy rocked me to sleep. 

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