35: You thought I'd let you go?

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Chapter 35: You thought I'd let you go? Heh. That's so fucking cute.

I was just idly walking around the house alone. Avea was busy with the packing and most of the servants were busy tending the house, keeping it perfect for our guests, who'd also come with their own bunch of followers. Obviously, the Duke's sons wouldn't go around without their own people ready to serve them at all times. Speaking of which, I see one of them now.

"Ah!" My eyes clearly brightened as I spotted the golden boy walking in the corridor and I called out to him excitedly as I quickened towards him. "Caeles!"

He continued walking for a moment, probably trying to decide between ignoring me or answering, and as I got closer, he gave up with an aggravated sigh. He turned around and gave me a look. "What?"

"Oh," I slowed down as I spotted his face and made an awkward expression. At my reaction, he furrowed his brows.

"What is it?" He asked impatiently and my frown deepened.

"No, it's just that..." I finally stood face to face with him and hesitantly reached out my hand, before pulling it back. "You have..."

Caeles cocked an eyebrow with annoyance, but also curiosity. "Tch. Quickly."

I sighed and then nodded. "Allow me... you have something on your hair."

I reached out but he grabbed my wrist. "Don't touch me." He glared at me. Then he ruffled his hair, trying to get whatever it was out of it. I made a face at him.

"It's still there. Just let me," I clicked my tongue. Then I raised an eyebrow with realization. "Oh, or are you scared?"

"Scared? More like disgusted," he sneered but then pressed his lips together. I rolled my eyes and reached out again, letting my hand hang in the air for a moment. He didn't protest so I smiled and brought my fingers to his hair, pinching until I got a strand of his hair. And then I pulled it with a mischievous grin.

"Oh, what's this!" I giggled but he didn't even blink as I held up the strand of hair and showed it off. "I kept wondering if it was real gold, you know?"

He glared at me, unimpressed at my prank and I sighed. "I wonder how much I could sell this for- hey, chill. It's not like it really hurt you." I puffed my cheeks. I wanted to joke with him but jokes are no fun when they're one-sided. I thought he'd try to do something to get back at me but he's so serious. But before I could grumble out an apology,

He reached a hand into his pocket and I jumped back, alert. "Woah, woah, woah!" He ignored me and pulled out a marble that reminded me of that Silent Promise thing he had made just to shut me up. "What the fuck!" I screeched in disbelief; he continued to come closer and I continued to step back. "Hey, you for real? Are you really gonna- what does that even do?! You know, you're kinda scary dude- ALRIGHT!" When I saw him give me that villain-like smile, I gave everything up; I turned and decided to flee, but-

"Stop following me, you lunatic!" I screeched as Caeles continued to be on my tail.

"I don't want to hear that from the craziest piece of shit I know!" he yelled back.

I quickly turned a corridor and looked for an open door. I raced towards it, feeling my heart race with a thrill. I don't know why I had begun to smile. I quickly got into one of the drawing rooms and turned around to shut the door, but Caeles was fast and he blocked me from slamming the door in his face. "No!" I laughed, trying my best to press my side against the carved-mahogany door. That shit was heavy. "Stop! Alright, I'm sorry!" It was hard to breathe now because of the running and the laughing. "You're crazy, you bastard!"

The Obsessive Villainess Vol. 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now