Part 2

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{ A song to listen to in order to make yourself even more upset is linked (: }

Without any further hesitation, Kenma left the bathroom and raced down the stairs to make the short walk down the block to Kuroo's house. He'd still be awake - he was prone to studying until 1 A.M, and Kenma had a thousand questions for him.

He didn't knock on the front door, aware of the fact that Kuroo's father was most definitely asleep, instead letting himself in through the wooden front door with the spare key he knew they stored under the welcome mat. He crept up their staircase, pushing open Kuroo's door lightly, careful not to accidentally startle him in his entrance.

As he stepped into the room, he was keenly aware of Kuroo's eyes already trained on him, as though he had been expecting him to walk through the door right at this moment.

Which in hindsight, made sense. Kuroo knew Kenma better than Kenma knew himself, sometimes. Just in the way that Kenma also knew Kuroo; knew he'd be awake.

A smile stretched over Kuroo's face as Kenma shut the door behind him. "Nice of you to come to visit at an hour like this."

Kenma moved around the room, perching himself on Kuroo's desk chair so he could face him. Kuroo's room had always been comfortingly familiar, the soft illumination from Kuroo's bedside lamp bathing the room in a warm glow. Kenma had spent just as much time in this room than he had his own.

Looking back at it now, Kenma could probably have worked out Kuroo was his soulmate without a mark confirming it. They always had been two halves of the same whole.

Kenma stared at him in a challenge, waiting for him to crack. He must know, right?

"Happy birthday?" Kuroo added, shrugging up his shoulders.


"Yes?" Based on the stupid grin on Kuroo's face, he knew exactly what he was doing. Kenma grabbed a pillow that was haphazardly thrown onto the floor and lightly threw it at Kuroo in a feeble attempt to show his frustration.

"Why didn't you tell me we were soulmates?"

"Does it matter? We know now."

"I could have known almost a whole year ago. Why didn't you say?" It wasn't that Kenma was genuinely offended, that wasn't the case at all. It was more out of sheer curiosity that he wanted to push this. Kuroo very rarely kept information from Kenma, and he wanted to know why he'd keep something of this magnitude from him.

Kuroo shrugged, eyes downcast. "It's not that I didn't want to tell you-"

"Do you not want me as a soulmate?" Kenma whispered, cutting Kuroo off. He had meant it in a teasing way, but the anxiety of that potential truth began to gnaw at his heart the second that the words left his lips. While it was unlikely, it still felt like a weight on his chest.

Kuroo immediately sprung to his feet, walking over to Kenma's side of the room before dropping to his knees beside the chair, eyes wide with panic. "No, no, Kenma, no-" He cupped Kenma's face in his hands, angling it so they were making eye contact. "Kenma, I couldn't have asked for anyone else to be my soulmate, I've been going crazy waiting to tell you, because god Kenma, for me it's you. It's always been you. But I know you, and I know you don't like to be overwhelmed, or set an expectation, and I know you like to work things out for yourself, I just-"

Kenma sniffled, somewhere between a sob and a laugh, cutting off Kuroo's babble. "We're so stupid." Kuroo worked far too hard to preserve Kenma's feelings, something that Kenma knew he'd be forever grateful for.

"Yup," Kuroo said, shoulders sagging in relief. "But we're stupid together."

Kenma moved his arms so he could run a hand through Kuroo's hair, pushing it back from his face. This was real, he had a moment to process that it was happening and how somehow Kenma, at the age of 16, was able to comprehend that he was possibly the luckiest person in the world.

"Can I confess to you properly now?" Kuroo whispered, as though he was afraid of breaking the moment they had between them.

Kenma nodded. Kuroo was notoriously sappy, of course he'd let him have his moment.

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